In order to own Bitcoinyou will need a BITCOIN WALLET. The two most common BITCOIN WALLET WEBSITES are LocalBitcoin and Coinbase. I've used both, but, I prefer Coinbase because it links directly into my bank account for easy everyday use. But, some people prefer the flexibility of LocalBitcoin. So, check them both out now. Set up for your wallet by following their websites' instructions, and buy some Bitcoin. You can BUY BITCOIN ON BOTH WEBSITES

     CoinBase is the easiest to use for newbies  or first-timers. Since your CoinBase Bitcoin Wallet can be linked directly to your regular bank account, it makes it easy to buy Bitcoin and transfer into dollars, or transfer dollars into Bitcoin.

     LocalBitcoin is more like an auction with many different sellers of Bitcoin. But, if you want to be COMPLETELY discrete and buy bitcoin from a local vendor, this is the website where you'll find such vendors. But, here's a warning, BE SURE YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE DEALING WITH, because this is a prefect venue for unscrupulous folks to take advantage of the less informed. (Unfortunately, I know an acquaintance that DID NOT vet their vendor and lost several hundred dollars. Once the bitcoin transaction is completed, it is untraceable, so use caution.) 

     Create a wallet, and buy bitcoin. Nothing to it.


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