Wanna be a MILLIONAIRE? The cold hard truth about BITCOIN.
OUT OF YOUR RUT! Make something happen NOW! That
magical opportunity you have always dreamed about is right in front
of you! Yes, many folks say that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Well,
that's NOT quite correct. ACTING ON KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Sitting on
knowledge is just sitting and watching your butt get bigger. If you
have had enough disappointments in life, then pay attention, because your ship has come in!
[ADDENDUM- November 7, 2017: AGAM/QUESTRA has temporarily suspended ALL operations, deposits and payouts for "due diligence" commencing immediately and projected to take about 90-180 days.We will update as more information becomes available. We are just as shocked as you are by this sudden announcement. Stay tuned.]
blog is NOT about "hot tips" or insider trading or insider
secrets. It's all about common sense, and knowing when to LISTEN TO
YOUR OWN INNER VOICE. Also, this blog is all about SEEING what
is right in front of you! OPEN YOUR EYES AND JUST LOOK! There
is NO slight-of-hand or illusion here, this is what's plain to see.
NOW LOOK! Your magic opportunity, to have all of the things you've
dreamed about, is right in front of you right now. You need to know
and understand WHY Bitcoin is such an incredible opportunity, and its
power. Why? Because that knowledge will make you rich.You have a huge payday coming, it's right in your hands. The ONLY way you can fail is to do nothing.
have to look out for number one, that's YOU! NOBODY, absolutely
nobody, will have your best interests at heart more than you! So,
trust yourself and secure your future just by following your own
common sense. You can do this because it ain't rocket science. I'm
just pointing you in the right direction to speed up the process for
you. Why? Because this incredible opportunity will not last long,
that's not an exaggeration or sales hype, that's a cold hard fact! The clock is ticking. Right now, many people are making huge amounts of money investing in bitcoin and AGAM/QUESTRA. The evidence is everywhere. It just makes perfect sense to combine the two into a dynamic turbo-powered money machine.
Contrary to the corporately controlled news media, BITCOIN is
the new "GOLD RUSH"! Like the Gold Rush of 1849, Bitcoin is
another big gold rush in its infancy, this is the Bitcoin Rush. And,
I'll show you how to get involved on any level that feels comfortable
for you. But, remember, like the last gold rush, this one will not
last forever. YOU need to start your involvement NOW, not next year,
or next month, but NOW. Stake your claim now, because in the not too
distant future, you're rewards will be huge. A lot of new
millionaires will be made soon, the only question is, will YOU
be one of them?
you listen to bankers, like Jamie Dimon, they're happy to tell you
that Bitcoin is a scam or a Ponzi scheme. Seriously? You're going to
listen to advice from people that were bailed out by the United
States government, using taxpayers' money mind you, to the tune of
over $760 BILLION in cash and roughly another $12 TRILLION in credits
and sanctions? The REAL question is, WHO DOES THAT MAKE SENSE
TO? These bankers can't manage their own affairs, let alone offer
sound financial advice. Even after they rigged the markets, they
still failed, and now they freely offer their scathing "analysis"
of Bitcoin? You can't be serious! That is truly outrageous and absolutely absurd.
let's look at the true situation. We value gold because it has
intrinsic value. But, does it really? When the gold was in the
ground it didn't mean much, it ONLY had value AFTER it was mined.
Hence, the reason MINERS flocked west to MINE GOLD. In other words,
the ENERGY OF MINING GOLD actually gave it value for exchange. Not
too long after gold became more plentiful for exchange, the
Rothschilds saw an opportunity to fudge on gold exchanges, trading,
and price. In other words, upon until 2003, the Rothschilds sat on
the London Bullion Exchange FIXING the price of gold! YES, that was
the term "FIXING" the price of gold. How much more in your
face does it have to be? "We're rigging the gold market and
there's nothing you can do about it". Until 2003, there was a
"morning gold fixing" and an "afternoon gold fixing",
BUT they were definitely FIXING the price of gold! The average
person with any common sense would call that RIGGING. And, that's how
it was for years. Rigged markets were and are everywhere, but nobody
seems to notice or care. Roughly 65% of all wealth has been flowing up to the top
1/10 of 1% elitists, the privileged. But recently, something changed, and
that change is called the internet. The internet is the GREAT
EQUALIZER. Since the establishment of the internet, more and more
people have become empowered far greater than they ever imagined.
me, for a moment, this small digression. You see, the roots of most
of these present day changes were embodied in a man many folks have
never heard of, and that man was Buckminster Fuller. "Bucky"
Fuller was undoubtedly a genius, creator of many things, including
the geodesic dome which is the prototypical design of many sports
arenas and gymnasiums. But, it was his quote about monolithic systems
that ignited the imaginations of many creators of Ebay, Apple, Google, PayPal,
Uber, Facebook, Microsoft and many others. Fuller said "You never
change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something,
build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
the point, the banking industry is corrupt. The bankers place their
minions into political offices and control the regulatory scheme. In
the 2008 banking scandal, NOT A SINGLE BANKER WENT TO JAIL! That is a
disgrace! But, consider this. Why else would a character like "Hank"
Paulson take over the position of Treasury Secretary for a fraction
of what he was making at the bank. Or, Steve Mnunchin leaving Goldman
Sachs to become Treasury Secretary? Seriously, do you actually
believe they did these job changes for patriotism and love of
country? But, IF you do, then I've got a REAL shock for you now....
there is NO Easter Bunny, Santa Claus or Tooth Fairey!
your own good, you MUST get beyond the insane propaganda, and see
things for what they really are. Don't kid yourself or live in some
fantasy world. Snap out of it! The banking world, like the government, is corrupt.
And ONLY a "NEW MODEL" will change it. Now, go back and
read Buckminster Fuller's quote again.
With the recent Chinese move to back their currency, the Chinese Yuan, with gold, the threat of a dollar collapse is very real. But, you'll NEVER hear that from the bankers or the government until its too late to do anything about. Right now, you really need to carefully examine your immediate and long-term financial security. You are in danger!
let's cut to the chase. WHAT does all of this mean? In a nutshell,
BIG CHANGES are coming SOON! And YOU have an incredible opportunity
to PROFIT from these changes. BUT YOU HAVE TO TAKE ACTION NOW.
Just remember, he who hesitates is lost.
the internet as a foundation, a concept of BLOCKCHAIN was born. This
is a system of computer code that is nearly impossible to hack, and
allows person-to-person transactions WITHOUT an intermediary
(like a bank or broker). BLOCKCHAIN takes away any institution's
ability to have a central power/control over anything. What we're
really talking about here is FREEDOM in its purest sense.
Unfortunately, some people are afraid of such freedom. Especially in
a country such as America, the FEAR OF FREEDOM seems ironic and
insane. America supposedly LOVES freedom, but maybe only the
government and its puppet-masters want to be free, while the rest of
us will just have to be happy remaining subservient. So, again, a NEW
MODEL would make the existing model obsolete.
BITCOIN, built on the BLOCKCHAIN technology. Bitcoin is a DIRECT
THREAT to the rigged banking system and absolute government control.
And this is the REAL reason bankers and politicians create fictions
about its use by criminals. How they can justify that logic while
over 90% of US currencies have traces of cocaine smeared on them is a mystery.
That is quite a stretch. Bottom line, ANYTHING can be used by
criminals; cars, airplanes, boats, dollar bills, condoms, suitcases,
etc., and it is just crazy to think banning all of these things would solve
anything in crime fighting.
BITCOIN is a hard nut for the banks and governments to crack.
Actually, they can't crack it at all. Bitcoin is NOT controlled by
anyone, or anything! That's its power, beauty, and security. The ONLY way that
it is even remotely conceivable to stop Bitcoin would be to SHUT DOWN
THE ENTIRE INTERNET COMPETELY. And, that is not likely to ever
you can see, BITCOIN is rock-solid in its independence and integrity.
And, just like mining gold, BITCOIN must also be mined through a
computer algorithm. So again, it is the ENERGY of mining that gives
BITCOIN its value. Pulling gold out of the ground is just like
pulling BITCOIN out of electrons. It's a very similar economic
process. But, unlike gold, the bankers and government can NOT control
it. And that's the TRUE POWER OF BITCOIN ownership, SECURITY.
course, you're NOT going to hear this explanation from ANY politician
or banker, at least, not until it's too late for you to take
advantage of the present day situation. So, you're going to
have think for yourself, and make a decision, and SOON. The clock is
ticking and time is NOT your friend. So, here we go.
on where you are financially will determine where you can jump into
the Bitcoin Rush. But, jump you must, because many prominent folks
(including Bill Gates) firmly believe that BITCOIN will ultimately
reach price levels of $500,000 to $2,000,000 PER BITCOIN. As of
September 14, 2017, Bitcoin was priced at $3254, so there is a lot of
room to grow. But, that doesn't mean you can wait until you're priced
out of the market, you need to get busy NOW. The use of Bitcoin
is growing every day, and the more companies, markets, and
institutions that start using Bitcoin, the ensuing higher demand will
drive its value up and up and up. The trend is your friend, and the
trend is strongly favoring BITCOIN use. Think about it for just a
second, Bitcoin transfers will make VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card, Western Union,
Wire transfers, and American Express all obsolete. A Bitcoin/ATM/debit card system
is not very far off, such a system is in mature development (final stages) and about
to be deployed, and that's why you need to get moving quickly. Change
is coming fast.
things first, in order to own Bitcoin, you will need a BITCOIN
WALLET. The two most common BITCOIN WALLET WEBSITES are LocalBitcoin
and Coinbase. I've used both, but, I prefer Coinbase because it links
directly into my bank account for easy everyday use. But, some people
prefer the flexibility of LocalBitcoin. So, check them out now. Set
up your wallet, and buy some Bitcoin. You can BUY BITCOIN ON BOTH WEBSITES.
just owning Bitcoin, is a waiting game. You can grow your investment
in Bitcoin by purchasing a Bitcoin mining contract. To be honest,
actually BUYING the Bitcoin mining computers is a hassle, and most
folks are technically inept at setting up their own miners. So, a
mining contract is far more efficient, and the bitcoins you mine are
at a deep discount. But, the best part is with a mining
contract you start mining Bitcoin immediately, that means you are
receiving a return on your investment immediately!
like any other investment, you can add more mining contracts later
and grow your investment.
are several Bitcoin mining companies that offer mining contracts. My
two favorite are Genesis Mining and HashFlare. Check them out. As I
verify other miners, I'll post their information on this blog. But,
either of these two will get you off to a great start. I use both of
them because I like diversity. I like Genesis Mining because they
have indefinite term contracts, meaning that the contract just runs
until mining is no longer viable/profitable. Considering it costs
about $800 in electricity to mine one bitcoin, it will be a long time
before those mining contracts are no longer profitable.
HashFlare has slightly cheaper mining contracts, but they are term
contracts for 1 or 2 years. So, check them out.
(Note: If you want a 3% discount on your mining contract with Genesis Mining, use Promo Code: HZ37sT )
(Note: If you want a 3% discount on your mining contract with Genesis Mining, use Promo Code: HZ37sT )
to popular opinion, Bitcoin is NOT going anywhere because NO one
controls it, owns it or regulates it. It's NOT something
central bankers like, and you should love that fact. BLOCKCHAIN
technology is powerful, and you should learn all you can about it. By popularity, Bitcoin is the Queen of BLOCKCHAIN technology right now. While the bankers can print more dollars (lowering its purchasing power and value) anytime they want, the maximum amount of Bitcoins that can be mined is 21,000,000 TOTAL. So, no way will BITCOIN be diluted by inflation. There's only one direction Bitcoin can go as demand picks up, and you don't want to miss that gravy train!
So now, this very moment, it's time to do something before this huge windfall slips through your fingers. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Start right here, right now.
Here's your "TO DO" List:
1) Get your Bitcoin wallet
2) Buy some Bitcoin
3) Invest in Bitcoin mining
4) Keep investing in mining contracts while prices are still low.
5) Relax and watch your net worth grow. 5 years from now will look very different.
( Still not sure? Just take a look at where bitcoin was 5 years ago! Huge growth from then to today.)
The high-lighted(blue) words are links for resources or references you will need.
Now get busy! Cuz, nobody's going to do it for you!
[ADDENDUM- November 7, 2017: AGAM/QUESTRA has temporarily suspended ALL operations, deposits and payouts for "due diligence" commencing immediately and projected to take about 90-180 days.We will update as more information becomes available. We are just as shocked as you are by this sudden announcement. Stay tuned.]
Personal Note: Just
as a point of interest, one investment strategy I have used, and made
a lot of money from is AGAM/Questra. What I've done is bought into
AGAM/Questra investment plans. The profits from AGAM/Questra I rolled into Bitcoin mining contracts. I find this plan to be an incredible
way to leverage my money for greater returns.And, it's working better than I expected!
you're interest, check out my AGAM/QUESTRA page coming soon.)
Combining the power of bitcoin and the leverage of AGAM/QUESTRA can make anybody a millionaire! But, nothing happens until you act. The choice is simple, continue your struggle, or breakout into living your dreams. Your success is attainable, doable, and realistic. There are no extra points in life for struggle and heartache! Accept the fact that life is unfair, get over it, then do something about it. Stop being a victim of "the system" and MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN FOR YOURSELF. Waiting only prolongs your frustration and disappointment. Bitcoin is a great way to protect your wealth and AGAM/QUESTRA is the carpool lane to get you there faster. Three years from now, you'll really regret doing nothing, five years from now you'll be kicking yourself. It doesn't have to be that way! A small course correction now can produce HUGE changes later. One small step taken today of setting up your bitcoin wallet and joining AGAM/QUESTRA will bring you giant results tomorrow.
Combining the power of bitcoin and the leverage of AGAM/QUESTRA can make anybody a millionaire! But, nothing happens until you act. The choice is simple, continue your struggle, or breakout into living your dreams. Your success is attainable, doable, and realistic. There are no extra points in life for struggle and heartache! Accept the fact that life is unfair, get over it, then do something about it. Stop being a victim of "the system" and MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN FOR YOURSELF. Waiting only prolongs your frustration and disappointment. Bitcoin is a great way to protect your wealth and AGAM/QUESTRA is the carpool lane to get you there faster. Three years from now, you'll really regret doing nothing, five years from now you'll be kicking yourself. It doesn't have to be that way! A small course correction now can produce HUGE changes later. One small step taken today of setting up your bitcoin wallet and joining AGAM/QUESTRA will bring you giant results tomorrow.
Bitcoin will grow in the future. Tons of opportunities will spring up as a result. Let your imagination go wild because technology always has consequences.
ReplyDeleteIf you're already a Bitcoin fan, or thinking about building your own investments or business in Bitcoin products or services, then maybe you should check out Bitcoin Republic. Do a little subtle self-promotion? Or, just have fun? Show your support for bitcoin, or wear as a great conversation starter!
Great tips! Renting hashing power online is a great way to start mining cryptocurrencies without having to make the investment in mining equipment.
ReplyDeleteNiceHash allows you to buy hashing power for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dash, Zcash, Litecoin and other coins and get paid in bitcoin.
There's no contracts so if mining doesn't turn a profit for you, you can immediately stop your investment.
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So if you want to start cryptocurrency mining but you've been hesitant because of shady cloud mining services, this is the solution that you've been looking for.
Click the link below to join NiceHash and start earning bitcoin now:
Unlike credit cards, Bitcoin can be used for free or very low fees. Without the centralized institution as middle man, there are no authorizations (and fees) required. This improves profit margins sales.
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