BITCOIN is the BIGGEST THING in over 300 YEARS!! Know your history, know your future!!

Most people COMPLETELY miss the historical significance of bitcoin and the new cryptocurrency world. And, the huge part of this event is understanding money! This is a VERY BIG DEAL!

Here's some background for perspective.

Over 250 years ago, an eastern European man by the name of Amschel Bauer discovered he could make an insane fortunate, and control governments and people by creating money, albeit making money out of thin air. Though he convinced queens and kings his "money" was actually backed by gold, he secretly wrote script sometimes ten times greater than the gold supply. Thus began civilization's slide down the slope of the fiat currency system. Mr. Bauer decided to change his name to Rothschild (German for "Red Shield). He had five sons that carried on the family tradition of controlling the world via fiat currency and the five major banks of that day. By creating fear, this family cheated princes and paupers alike out of real wealth. Indeed, Bauer/Rothschild had learned an evil truth that wars were extremely profitable. He first learned how to do this while he worked for the Prince of Hess, and his mercenary army known as "Hessians". Down through history, this has been their extremely profitable business model, financing BOTH sides of a conflict, and placing both sides into perpetual debt! (Note: Few people know that approximately 54% of Hitler's war machine was financed right from New York banks.)

At the turn of the last century (1899-1900), a man by the name of Frank Baum tried to expose the gigantic conspiracy, but feared his own death. So, he created an allegory called "The Wizard of Oz". It would have been so  much easier to explain this if there was only an academic course for "historical forensic accounting", i.e. "follow the money".  But, Frank Baum used symbols to explain the situation and followed the money. The wicked witch of the East was Rothschild, the wicked witch of the West was Rockefeller, flying monkeys were all the "captains of industry" financed by the Rothschilds such a JP Morgan, Harriman, Carnegie, Ford, Walker, and many others. Baum did a great job with the symbols, but this will be hard to follow if you have a weak background in the history of the era. So, spend sometime  and Google search this information.

More to our point, without such central control  of a currency or ANY currency, such evil, manipulation, fraud, and corruption can not exist. The entire paradigm gets turned on its head, which is why the modern bankers will do anything to convince you that cryptocurrencies (in general) are a fraud or a scam. If you USE their currency, they control you and their minion governments; but if you don't, you will soon realize a freedom not seen for over 300 years!

So, think about this. It is ESTIMATED that the Rothschild wealth exceeds over $4,250 TRILLION. Hard to imagine? Yes, but you may have missed  the fact that they OWN the majority of central banks around the globe!  But, imagine NOW that YOU have the ability to own or create a currency not debased by manipulation or fraud. A currency not controlled by anyone or any central power is a powerful tool in which to store wealth. It can literally set you free. In a nutshell, this is the reason Bitcoin is a very big deal. An entirely NEW economic system is being born that will destroy the totalitarian control of wealth, governments, and society by the global central banking cabal. A brave new world is evolving that will make the corrupt systems of banking, finance, and government obsolete. No revolution or wars, just efficient egalitarian commerce that closely models nature. When you step back and look at nature and the Universe, it is staggering how enormously abundant they are. But, you have been convinced and conditioned to believe in shortages and scarcity. They are not natural beliefs to hold. Central control is like a dinosaur destined to be extinct, while an open de-centralize crypto world will expand into the natural state of abundance. At this moment, you stand at the threshold to a world once reserved for only such manipulators as Rothschild and Rockefeller. But, unlike their corrupt system, the new system rewards merit on a level playing field.

Yes, there IS enough wealth to go around. That's not a philosophical debate or belief construct of socialism, communism, or liberalism; that is a fact of nature. The reason MOST people can not grasp that fact is they are completely detached from nature and function as useful idiots in a system that extracts every ounce of wealth they acquire. That transaction is only possible via ignorance. So, now is the time to get educated and get smart, and of course, start investing in bitcoin and/or any viable cryptocurrency you can afford. The opportunities are unbelievably enormous.

Once again, we encourage you to read every post and page of this blog. Everything you need to start your journey into this brave new world of economic freedom is right here. We're giving you the best information and resources we can find to get you safely on your way.

As a matter of perspective, here's a GREAT ZeroHedge article you should read and commit the fine points to memory. Understanding the WHY of this situation WILL make you wealthy!

Here's an excerpt from the article above:

Why is bitcoin considered such a big deal? Why has it grabbed so much mind-share, and why is it skyrocketing? And why is the cryptocurrency sector going bonkers?
The short answer is that cryptocurrency is the first major innovation in money in 300+ years, back when central banks first emerged in the late 1600s as centralized clearing houses for international payments and sole issuers of national bank notes/currency.
(Those who trace central banking to the Bank of Amsterdam's founding in 1609 might say it's the first major innovation in 400 years.)
Why is it an innovation? There are four basic reasons:
1. It's a form of private-sector issued money. It is not issued or controlled by any government or central bank.
2. It is structured in a completely different manner than conventional central-bank issued currency: it is a digital form of money that is issued as payment for those who maintain the database (the blockchain) on their privately owned computers. Since the blockchain is distributed over numerous computers, it is decentralized and distributed rather than centralized.
3. It enables trusted transactions between parties without requiring the services of an intermediary, i.e.a bank which acts as a trusted clearing house for transactions.
4. In the case of the first cryptocurrency, bitcoin, its issuance of tokens (coins) is limited by its design to 21 million coins. No central authority can issue more bitcoins, nor does the structure of the bitcoin blockchain allow for further issuance.
To grasp the significance of these four characteristics, we have to go back to the early history of modern capitalism. My longstanding recommendation is to start with Fernand Braudel's 3-volume history, Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century:


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