A couple of days ago,we showed you Token-Pay, and we believed it was a great coin to invest in. Well, Token-Pay is taking on the ICO excitement like that of Electroneum (the greatest ICO to date). Token-Pay's ICO sale was to run for six(6) weeks, but NOW (TODAY), they are over HALF way through their available quantity of coins!! Yes, they' re selling out coins MUCH FASTER than planned. That's a big signal to pay attention to, and that signal spells m-o-n-e-y !!

So, be warned, grab as much Token-Pay and Electroneum as you can! These two coins are your best coin investments for 2018. Electroneum you will have to buy off of an exchange like Cryptopia. But, you can still get Token-Pay from their ICO sales..... but they're going fast, very much like Electronuem's early sell out.


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