HERE IT COMES - That collapse we have warned about is knocking on the door!

This past week, we have focused on the technicals that demonstrate the trend reversal (down turn) of both the stock and bond markets. Those are clear warnings that should not be ignored. But, behind these charts hides the REAL problem, the fiat currency and banking system is collapsing. Valuations of assets can not be maintained, i.e. price discovery is a myth because the central bankers have printed currencies to the point of worthlessness.  What you are seeing is NOT a market correction or pullback, this is a systemic failure, a system collapse! Everything based in debt; from currencies to stocks to bonds to commodities whose values are inflated by debt or leverage are subject to a catastrophic collapse in value. This is WHY cryptocurrencies and bitcoin are so unique from this problem, they are NOT based on debt or leverage! Insane debt has destroyed the fiat currency banking system. A systemic collapse is imminent, or at least the start of the collapse is certain for 2018.

This is the true reason that stock, bond, and commodity prices have been rigged by the bankers. Left to a free and open market, these assets would have already lost at least 70% of their values. It began with a simple concept of check kiting, then portfolio kiting (a la 2008), and now entire asset kiting. Round and round it goes, but where it ends? Somebody knows. This is the end, or at least the beginning of the end.

 The following Zero Hedge article brings light onto the first "private bank" to be allowed to collapse in Europe. This story isn't getting much attention on the main financial channels. Instead of warning you about WHY this story is so dangerous to your financial health, the media is continuing their attacks of falsehoods and smear campaign on cryptocurrencies and bitcoin to scare you from buying them. This is NO accident. The insiders on Wall Street AND Washington KNOW what is happening.  


Not much has been mentioned about the 900 pound gorilla in the room, derivatives! But, now, with this bank collapse, there is NO doubt this disaster will lead back to DeutscheBank, and then to ALL the banks connected to DeutscheBank. Right here is where the bankers' desperation comes from, AND they desperately do NOT want you to protect yourself by loading up on cryptocurrencies or bitcoin. That would accelerate THEIR problem by causing a global bank run. But, here's the real issue.... there is NO getting around this! There is NO fairey dust or magic wand that can fix this. The fiat currency system is collapsing.

Get your house in order, strange things happen over weekends. "Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down."

YEA, IT'S THAT BAD !  NOBODY IS SAFE IN THIS SITUATION! Watch carefully what happens in Latvia.


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