It's not gonna happen? NO, it's HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!

So many people are in denial, and the bankers are the worst. The downturn, the systemic collapse, is NOT a future event or expectation. PAY ATTENTION because the systemic collapse HAS ALREADY STARTED! If you don't own cryptocurrencies, you're time is up. If your IRA or 401K is still in stocks and/or bonds, you are about to take a staggering loss!  That's NOT an opinion, that's what the charts say.

Let's take a look at the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). If you're investing in stocks (which at the moment would be an idiotic thing to do), this IS not the indicator you would want to use because it compromises ONLY 30 stocks. With only 30 stocks, it is the easiest index for the Wall Street bankers' to manipulate or rig. So, the point is IF they can't keep THIS index in the positive side of the market, then they've lost control. The other indexes will fall more easily because they are more subject to the market influences. The DJIA is not, it is easy to control. So, for it to collapse is a big deal. It's the Wall Street bankers' "darling" bogus indicator or fake data. So, let's look at yesterday's chart.

Take a close look, First, the red line is the 50 day moving average. Even with yesterday's uptick, they STILL couldn't get back up to the 50 day average! That's BAD! AND, we are ALSO well BELOW the trend line! That technical sends the black box trading algorithms into a "tail spin" mode.  

Second, the DJIA OPENED MUCH LOWER from the start, but then, regained its upward move with the strong volume showing. One of two things were happening. Either the Plunge Protection Team jumped in or the insiders were managing the uptick to bail out of the market, OR, it could have been both! In either case, we are still looking at a strong down trend for the foreseeable future! These down legs are going to bigger and bigger with much more volatility, so brace yourself!  

Least we remind you, this is JUST the beginning! There IS a whole lot more to come! These charts are like voting booths. As the market goes down, the volume picks up..... translation, Wall Street is voting that the market is going down! Breaking two major technicals coupled with the huge increase in volume makes this an easy call. The market is going down in a BIG way! It ain't rocket science, just common sense. 

Against that background, it is not hard to understand WHY bankers want to scare people away from cryptocurrencies, or refuse to allow their customers to BUY cryptocurrencies! The bankers are in a panic and terrified that their IRA/401K, mutual fund, and stock investors will figure it out and dump these toxic portfolios for cryptocurrencies. Then, the banks are cooked. Hmmmm, what was that term they do NOT want to hear people use? It was like profanity and very evil... oh yea, BANK RUN or RUN ON THE BANKS! Yes, that's what they don't want people to think about, but, it's coming! Smart people will profit, those that do nothing will get wiped out. It's deja vu all over again!


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