Yippee, the financial news media is all excited today! The DOW is up over 400 points, best two day gains since June... blah, blah, blah. All of this hype is designed and scripted to do one thing, distract your attention from the obvious! The obvious remains unchanged, we are witnessing a systemic collapse. While everyone is focused on this imaginary "rally", the US dollar continues to weaken (earlier today, even against the Mexican peso), bonds continue their sell off, and also stocks! But, the proof is in the charts. Let's look again!
If you notice, the DJIA HAS STILL NOT MOVED ABOVE THE 8 DAY TREND LINE or the 50 day moving average! The DOWN TREND CONTINUES UNABATED. Again, IF you pay attention, the VOLUME is MUCH HIGHER on the DOWNSIDE OF THE PEAK than on the upside of the peak!
Least you forget, Wall Street is desperate. They are convincing anyone that will listen that this is a rally and time to get back in the market.Don't you believe it, the fundamentals DO NOT support that nonsense. The fat cats and insiders are bailing out, that's WHY the volume is up! Remember, every transaction has a buyer and a seller. If the fat cats want out, they has to gin up excitement in order to get out, in other words, create some buyers and FAST!
Look closely at this chart! See that gap up from Friday to Monday? That suggests ANOTHER BIG DROP is coming within a day or two.
Go back to the last few posts, we've explained that the collapse is due to the systemic problem of lack of valuation. It's the weakness in the dollar that few are adding into this equation. These markets do NOT operate in a vacuum. Everything is cause and effect.
If you are placing your faith in the traditional brokers or established financial news outlets for your decisions, you are extremely vulnerable to catastrophic loss. Why? Remember Enron? How so many people were wiped out? Well, keep this in mind. The last two weeks BEFORE ENRON COLLAPSED, 24 of the 25 "biggest and best ratings agencies" and brokerage houses gave Enron a "STRONG BUY" rating. The 25th brokerage house gave Enron a "BUY" rating! When Enron DID COLLAPSE, they ALL acted like victims that they didn't know! These were "professionals" and they all claimed ignorance... just as they are today!
Again, my point to all of this is simple. Investors in IRAs and 401Ks are sitting ducks in this scenario. They are the most vulnerable. Everyone else can buy cryptocurrencies now while there is still a small window open. But, for IRA and 401K investors, the solution is not that simple. Moving an entire investment portfolio is a scary proposition, and even more scary when you're not really sure where things are going. The bankers and the media are making it hard to see through the dust. They cleverly divert investors' attention and fear monger to drive these folks the direction they want them to take, and that is to STAY IN THE MARKET and DO NOTHING, like lambs to the slaughter. But, just like Enron, these bankers and insiders are bailing out now, and letting the rest of us hold the bag. As I mentioned, the charts never lie. So, study the chart above and think careful. Go back through this blog, the last few posts for starters, read everything. Because time is running short. We can ONLY show you what we know! We can NOT save you or make you do anything. In situations like this, it's tough to make decisions that go against the majority. But, think about this... IF intelligence were a majority in a democracy, this world would not be so screwed up. Sadly, I had to learn that lesson the hard way. What I learned I can sum up in one quote, "most people are wrong about the most important issues most of the time, and don't ever try to tell them that."
We're getting down to it now. Big changes are going to be coming faster and faster. Be prepared. Use this blog as a resource to move out of the way of this oncoming freight train. It's coming down the track fast. The charts are showing the rumble and vibration in the rails. The exact moment of impact isn't as important as KNOWING that the train is definitely coming. It's probably a good idea to get off the tracks now while you still can.
Least you forget, Wall Street is desperate. They are convincing anyone that will listen that this is a rally and time to get back in the market.Don't you believe it, the fundamentals DO NOT support that nonsense. The fat cats and insiders are bailing out, that's WHY the volume is up! Remember, every transaction has a buyer and a seller. If the fat cats want out, they has to gin up excitement in order to get out, in other words, create some buyers and FAST!
Look closely at this chart! See that gap up from Friday to Monday? That suggests ANOTHER BIG DROP is coming within a day or two.
Go back to the last few posts, we've explained that the collapse is due to the systemic problem of lack of valuation. It's the weakness in the dollar that few are adding into this equation. These markets do NOT operate in a vacuum. Everything is cause and effect.
If you are placing your faith in the traditional brokers or established financial news outlets for your decisions, you are extremely vulnerable to catastrophic loss. Why? Remember Enron? How so many people were wiped out? Well, keep this in mind. The last two weeks BEFORE ENRON COLLAPSED, 24 of the 25 "biggest and best ratings agencies" and brokerage houses gave Enron a "STRONG BUY" rating. The 25th brokerage house gave Enron a "BUY" rating! When Enron DID COLLAPSE, they ALL acted like victims that they didn't know! These were "professionals" and they all claimed ignorance... just as they are today!
Again, my point to all of this is simple. Investors in IRAs and 401Ks are sitting ducks in this scenario. They are the most vulnerable. Everyone else can buy cryptocurrencies now while there is still a small window open. But, for IRA and 401K investors, the solution is not that simple. Moving an entire investment portfolio is a scary proposition, and even more scary when you're not really sure where things are going. The bankers and the media are making it hard to see through the dust. They cleverly divert investors' attention and fear monger to drive these folks the direction they want them to take, and that is to STAY IN THE MARKET and DO NOTHING, like lambs to the slaughter. But, just like Enron, these bankers and insiders are bailing out now, and letting the rest of us hold the bag. As I mentioned, the charts never lie. So, study the chart above and think careful. Go back through this blog, the last few posts for starters, read everything. Because time is running short. We can ONLY show you what we know! We can NOT save you or make you do anything. In situations like this, it's tough to make decisions that go against the majority. But, think about this... IF intelligence were a majority in a democracy, this world would not be so screwed up. Sadly, I had to learn that lesson the hard way. What I learned I can sum up in one quote, "most people are wrong about the most important issues most of the time, and don't ever try to tell them that."
We're getting down to it now. Big changes are going to be coming faster and faster. Be prepared. Use this blog as a resource to move out of the way of this oncoming freight train. It's coming down the track fast. The charts are showing the rumble and vibration in the rails. The exact moment of impact isn't as important as KNOWING that the train is definitely coming. It's probably a good idea to get off the tracks now while you still can.
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