Close..... but no cigar!

The market weakness is strong, no matter how much the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) tries to convince you otherwise. Today's chart shows that in spite of their efforts, this market closed BELOW the Trend line and 50 day moving average AGAIN! If you are still in this market at this moment, in the near future you'll have no one to blame for your financial failure but yourself. The down trend is obvious, but the systemic collapse is not. That's the part of this equation that has the bankers scrambling to get into cryptocurrencies. They do know what time it is! The bankers are terrified. Their business model is quickly becoming obsolete. Like it or not, cryptocurrencies are here to stay, and the early adopters will benefit magnificently.

Here's today's chart. Not only did the market close BELOW the technicals, but the weaker volume is exposing more weakness. 330 point UP days would be great IF they were NOT preceded by 800 and 1000 point DOWN days. They are losing ground in big ways while the financial media continues to play cheerleader for the losing side. 


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