Not to belabor the point, but PAY ATTENTION!

Throughout this blog, we have pointed out the systemic problems with the present fiat currency system. One of the single biggest dangers is the massive derivative over-hang. This is a fiat currency, debt, and bank killer. Well, guess what? Another big flaw in the price rigging scheme is bringing the derivative exposure back to center stage!  Check out this article.

Also, it should come as no surprise, that this weakness is bleeding over into the Treasury auctions. Check this out.

It should come as no surprise, once again, the markets sold off into end of session weakness. And here's today's DJIA chart.
Again, LOOK at the volume. The moderate volume is signaling insiders are getting out. BUT, take another look at that 50 day moving average (red line). It has clearly turned downward heading for a "death cross" with the 100 day moving average AND 200 day moving average. When it does, that's when the downhill moves accelerate. 

Honestly, IF you think the Tooth Fairey or Easter Bunny is going to suddenly appear and magically halt this collapse.... well, it's time to grow up. They don't exist. This is a systemic problem of gigantic proportions. It is roughly 300-400 TIMES worse than 2008! And THIS TIME, there is NO ONE institution, or combination of institutions,  big enough to bail out the banks! 

Meanwhile. Wall Street is squeezing the cryptocurrency holders, desperately trying to scare them into selling. The short-term speculators are feeling the pressure. But, very soon, the long term holders will be shining brighter than anyone can imagine. When the derivatives break, trillions upon trillions of dollars will flow into the cryptocurrencies almost immediately.  Be sure that you are on the right side of this equation because it will happen quite quickly when it starts.


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