Thank God it's Good Friday.... markets are closed, and that's a good thing.

This past short week of trading demonstrated incredible weakness while also exposing the Wall Street rigging and manipulation of the markets and the cryptocurrencies. It also clearly demonstrated how truly worthless the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) is in protecting investors and regulating the markets. 

But, the media and the government keep singing the song how great things are. Bullshit! The average worker can NOT afford to own his/her own home. Check this out.

The Happy Talk will only end when the people finally feel enough pain to cry foul. Right now, the false narrative of the divisions between conservative and liberal is a convenient distraction. This distraction is very effective is keeping the public's attention focused away from the true dangers ahead. 

Surprisingly, some banks, like Saxo Bank, are beginning to speak out, attempting to position themselves in the public view on the right side of this scenario. When the villagers storm the castle with pitchforks and torches, some of these bankers have cleverly used the media to give the appearance that they were with the villagers all along. 

The reality of today is overwhelming debt. Individuals, corporations, cities, counties, states, and the Federal government are ALL deeply strangled by debt. Meanwhile, the FED in their infinite stupidity believe that more debt will solve the debt problem, and they doubled down by raising their Fed funds rate!  Who does that makes sense to?

We are not heading into a financial crisis! WE ARE IN A FINANCIAL CRISIS!

Again, a picture is worth a thousand words. Admittedly, the indexes are rigged by the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) run out of the New York Fed. So, let's look at the big favorites of Wall Street to see what's really going on.

Amazon is a Wall Street darling.

Big gap down last week and big sell off! Hmmm, that looks kind of bad. Amazon is a HUGE retailer and online powerhouse! This is not a good sign.  But, wait, there's more....

Facebook, and the Zuckerberg Circus Monkeys, has been a big Wall Street darling too. But, wait, there seems to be trouble right here in River City!
Is that what running off a cliff looks like?

But still, there's more. Google (Alphabet) has issues?
Google is not only DOWN, but showing a clear DOUBLE TOP!  Rut row!

Okay, we've been hitting the NASDAQ kind of hard. So, let's switch over to the big board NYSE, and take a look at General Electric. That's nice diversified company and should weather this financial headwind easily. Everybody says diversity is good. Let's see...
HOLY MOLY, look at this! GE started a big down turn before anybody noticed! Now, don't forget, the DJIA closed UP 254.60 points yesterday because everything is SO GOOD!

Well Kids, the fairy tale story is coming to an end. The story tellers have reached the last page. Soon, it will be time to say "Good Night". Those of you who have prepared for the end will have sweet dreams, and those who have not prepared will be seeing nightmares. 

But, before I got to bed, I gotta say my prayers: Dear Lord, now I lay me down to sleep. I know the market shit is deep, But, when the system does collapse, I hope the people see the crap! Corruption and collaboration between the government and bankers is the rub. So, please do not let a civil war erupt. It's okay if it rains bankers on Wall Street, or SEC officials commit suicide, but please, no war. Amen.


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