The problems we are  facing really aren't hard to understand. The confusion rests in the concept of misrepresentation, i.e THEY ARE LYING TO YOU!

First, the issue of the U.S. Dollar. The dollar is growing weaker day by day. The "experts" want you believe the nonsense that a weaker dollar is good for the economy. NO, IT'S NOT! A weaker dollar means YOU HAVE EARN MORE OF THEM to buy what you want or need. That's called inflation, and it puts a huge stress on wage earners, and wages notoriously NEVER keep up! YOU are part of this economy, so NO, a weaker dollar is NOT good for an economy! Such silliness is given an air of authority, but it remains silly.

Second, the issue of cryptocurrencies. The bankers in less than three months, namely that scoundrel Jamie Dimon, have moved from bitcoin is a "fraud" to "cryptocurrencies are a disruptive technology that threatens our business". Well, Jamie, IF cryptocurrencies are a fraud, then HOW can they threaten your business model. Let me paraphrase for you Mr. Dimon, "something unreal is threatening our real business model." Now that's funny! And Mr. Dimon, you say this nonsense with a straight face! That's outrageously audacious!

Third, there is significant weakness in the U.S economy. The Treasury's and FED's cherry-picking of the data fools no one of any intelligence. With interest rates at record lows, this economy should be booming, especially with wage growth across the board. But, wages are stagnant. The concentration of wealth among the top 1/10 of 1%  of the US population is an unstable tower about to collapse. Tax cuts to the very wealthy do NOT stimulate the economy, "trickle down economics" does NOT work! It never has, and never will. It's based on a false premise and ignores insatiable greed. The popular definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over, and expecting different results. So, how is Trump's version of monetary policy different from Reagan's? If this was all happening in Texas, they would be telling you "Ya'll can't get there from here."

Fourth, the markets' manipulation is widespread and criminal. Yet, the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) sits idle and does nothing. The smart money is gone! This one fact will continue to undermine price stability. What reasonably intelligent investor would ever want to invest in a rigged market? They don't.  This fact will have devastating consequences soon!

Fifth, put into proper perspective, the fiat banking and currency system is collapsing.  Pitting fiat currency against cryptocurrency is a competition that will end the fiat system you see today. The biggest problem with the fiat system is its market rigging and corruption. This leads to extremely perverse asset valuations that will collapse more than 70%. This is a near term danger that can not be "printed away." Solving debt by creating MORE debt is a loosing strategy, and will fail.

The markets are showing weakness on many levels. There is no getting around this. Happy talk only goes so far. But, let's take a look at Friday's chart...
This chart shows the market is solidly BELOW the trend line and 50 day moving. Based on this, it's clear there will be a lot more DOWN DAYS to come, so get used to it. If loosing 70% of your retirement funds, IRA, or 401K amuses you, then do nothing.  At this point, there is no magic fairey dust floating around, or a magic Genie  to stop this ugly trend. But wait, it's NOT a trend! This event unfolding is a systemic failure of the fiat currency system. And THAT is a BIG difference from anything you have ever seen before. 

It's truly NOT hard to understand. The fiat system has become obsolete. What the above chart is showing you is that BIGGER DOWN DAYS are coming soon! There will be a very dramatic difference between winners and losers. 


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