Let's get a few things straight!

The total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies TODAY is down to $256 BILLION, down $5 BILLION from two days ago. Meanwhile, Wall Street bankers like JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs are BUYING cryptocurrency exchanges (Poloniex and Coinbase). If you can't figure out what is going on by now, well, you're a hopeless case. Ron White's quote fits here, "Ya can't fix stupid."  

This market manipulation is indeed brutal and criminal. But, this is gut-check time because we are not going to get any help from the regulators like the SEC because they're owned by the bankers. Huge profits will rain down on the tenacious cryptocurrency investors because when those derivatives break, cryptocurrencies will be the ONLY thing that can store value. Yes, it may not look like that at this moment, but the panic that is about to drown the markets will see self-preservation rule and the cryptocurrencies will explode in value. Just do the math. If today's market cap is only $256 BILLION and suddenly nearly $6 TRILLION flows into the cryptocurrencies, the prices will go crazy! Keep in mind, we're ONLY talking about the START of the panic. And remember, Deutsche Bank has exposure to over $58 TRILLION in derivatives. That is just ONE bank!! This reversal of fortune is far bigger than you can imagine. Hopefully, while these cryptocurrency prices are low you are taking advantage of this banker manipulation, because it will not last long.

So, we have mentioned repeatedly the overall weakness in the bond market. This weakness is cancerous, and one tiny hiccup in the derivative space will sent this entire financial world into a tail spin. But, we just noticed, we never show you a bond chart. A picture is worth a thousand words.
The narrative on CNBC and Bloomberg TV is that we are IN A BULL BOND MARKET. Just one glance at this chart and it's clear we're in a HUGE BEAR BOND MARKET. The bond market started selling off just before the start market did. The problem here is the bond market is much larger than the stock markets by about three times (3X). Debt and performance are joined at the hip. The economy MUST preform to service this massive debt. But, the real numbers are not adding up nor are they supporting the debt market. This is why the Fed needs an ever growing inflation rate. Or, put another way, they need to grow the Ponzi scheme larger with ever more devalued dollars. At the end of the day, price discovery or valuation are nearly impossible to determine because the entire fiat currency system is destroying value in all of the asset classes. And this is WHY the bankers have been hammering and attempting to manipulate the cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrencies have a finite float, can not be "double spent", and are not controlled by any single institution or organization. Cryptocurrencies are actually the purest form of a free market. Here again, this is why the news media (banker owned) has been so heavily maligning bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. If the general public were to actually figure this out, the cryptocurrencies would explode and the bankers rigging these small markets would be lost in the dust. Unfortunately, the general public will remain clueless until the panic hits, then most of them will understand what happened  but be unable to profit from it. 

Today, it is funny how people can NOT wrap their heads around the concept of money, currency and value. Of course, the bankers are taking full advantage of the public's ignorance. But, the public WILL accept those little pieces of paper called dollars, which are actually Federal Reserve Notes, and BELIEVE they are actually BACKED BY SOMETHING, but they are not. The US dollar is only backed by a promise to pay, but a promise to pay what? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. And while you hold more of them, the fiat system just prints more of them out of thin air, and that is what inflation is all about. And that's the crazy part of this, people will accept US dollars as if they have value without ever questioning it. But, as they say, ignorance is bliss, and that fairy tale illusion is about to get shattered.  Our best guess is that either the bond market or derivatives will implode this month (April), sending the financial world into a tail spin. 

Already, there is talk behind the scenes of revaluing currencies and linking their value back to gold. China already started that ball rolling with the oil futures contracts denominated in yuan and exchangeable into gold. In essence, they have made their yuan the first new gold-backed currency. That's a huge game changer. But, the West remains oblivious to this huge shift in currencies. However, the effects will soon become known around the world. The consequences will touch everything.

Today's DJIA chart shows a similar low volume (conviction) like yesterday.
Doesn't ANYBODY think it's strange that a 785 point swing yields a LOWER Volatility Index (VIX)?  When TODAY'S stock market opened, it opened with a very sharp sell off, and then again magically reversed. This is insanity!

A total 785 point swing on what? A stronger economy? A jobs report? A move up on weak volume? Seriously? Each day that Wall Street, the PPT, New York Fed and SEC do this, they make the potential down turn impact worse. It's like a spring being coiled tighter and tighter. When it breaks, and it will, most investors and retirement funds will be wiped out.

One important aspect of this rigging, the riggers' focus is completely on appearances. They completely ignore the US dollar and bond market weakness, and that's precisely where the BIG collapse will start! Today, the US dollar was DOWN against the Canadian dollar, Mexican peso, and Eurodollar.  Note also, the demand for oil is declining, and within the US we have an oil glut. And yet, the price of oil goes up. Or, does it really? Not really, the price of oil has lately been mirroring the US dollar weakness. That relationship is showing more and more consistency.

April is setting up to be an extremely pivotal month. If you have assets at risk, don't wonder off too far.


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