
Showing posts from December, 2017


In order to succeed you must be willing to do what others are not! YOU must take action. IF you truly want to be financially independent and free, then 2018 is your year! No excuses. The cryptocurrency opportunity is beyond most people's imagination, but rest assured, it is REAL. Even sovereign nations like Israel are hinting at starting their own digital currencies. The trend is your friend. Ride the wave. So, here's your "to do" list for 2018. 1 . BUY and HOLD BITCOIN. At this moment, it's bargain compared to where it will be this time next year!  Here's a quote(December 25 tweat) from John McAfee:   " For you who are long term investors like myself: (those who always make the most returns), BITCOIN is still the crypto giant. It is at a low price, and will never be cheaper. It will be ten times this price in 2018. Remember - it has the lowest circulating supply of any coin." BITCOIN IS NOT A FRAUD, FAD, OR FLUKE! IT IS A NEW REALITY THAT CAN ...


Starting right now, you can mine cryptocurrencies FOR FREE!  Hard to believe, but true! Just go to MINERGATE , download their software, and start mining in just minutes. Super simple, super easy, and did we mention IT'S FREE! CHECK IT OUT . You can mine ZCash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Bitcoin, LiteCoin, ByteCoin, Monero, FantomCoin, QuazarCoin, DigitalNote, DashCoin, MonetaVerda, Aeon Coin, and Infinium-8.   Set up your PC or Mac to run your mining operation in the background, and you'll accumulate cryptocurrency while you work or sleep!  And YES, it is FREE!  MERRY CHRISTMAS ! PS- For those of you that missed the BANKCOIN ICO .

BITCOIN BLOW OFF - It's an opportunity! Take it!

In the last three days we have seen Bitcoin rally through $20,000 and now retrace down to $14, 013. This normal in any investment, but the volatility at the moment makes this rare opportunity "look" bad. But, it's not! As we showed in a previous post, the underlying volume/demand equates to price support. However, the enormous volume (and of course, Wall Street's "NEW" appearance) has given us a short-term profit taking situation unfolding at the moment. It is not a coincidence that this happened once bitcoin broke through the $20,000 mark. This is the typical Wall Street mentality to grab short term profits. And, Wall Street likes nice round numbers like $20,000. Honestly. what did you expect once the NASDAQ, CME and CBOE got involved in this asset class? Their greed brings volatility, so get used to it. Bottom line, they (Wall Street) are adding huge volume to the Bitcoin market cap. With this sell off, the overall cryptocurrency market cap dropped nearly ...


American participation in this ICO has been rescinded, here's their notice> In light of recent developments in the United States, we have made the decision that TPAY tokens will no longer be offered for purchase by United States citizens or United States residents. For United States citizens or United States residents who have already purchased tokens through our public token sale, we will be cancelling those purchases and offering refunds based on the price paid. Please check your account for updates about when you can expect the refund to appear in your digital wallet.  We apologize for any inconvenience. In lieu of this notice, we are still recommending USI-Tech and BankCoin as investments. Also, again, recommending Electroneum which  will need to be purchased via an open exchange such as Cryptopia . See previous posts.


There have been many Wall Street sycophants (aka ass-kissers) that blurt out to anyone that will listen that Bitcoin is in a bubble! So, what IS a bubble? The basic understanding is a bubble is defined as highly over-priced assets.. But, what IS over-priced? At present, that is a very loosely interpreted term. Appreciation is NOT the same as over-priced. So, if we understand appreciation, then it will be easier to understand what IS and IS NOT "over-priced"; and thus, what exactly is a "bubble".  Appreciation in it's simplest term, is value increasing by demand. You know, the old supply and demand rule that used to make sense before the markets became so manipulated. Anybody could understand it. What we have seen in the last few decades is that appreciation gets a little goosed by monetary easing or inflation, which is simply more money being placed into circulation. Basically, the Federal Reserve Bank prints/creates more and more  US dollars to expand the mon...


If you've been waiting to get into bitcoin or cryptocurrency investing,and you're not quite sure if this is the time; Well, IT'S TIME!  This is the moment you need to seize IF you want to ride this incredible wave of opportunity. The longer you wait, the less upside you can enjoy. Starting now greatly places the odds of success in your favor, even IF you're a novice!  Bitcoin is the lead cryptocurrency in this asset class. Bitcoin will drag a lot of cryptocurrencies with it as it continues higher and higher. But, the mainstream media and the "fundamentalists" on Wall Street keep screaming that Bitcoin (and the other cryptocurrencies) are in a bubble! To be blunt, that's a load cow pies!  At this moment, it appears we're a LONG way from a bubble! Actually, cryptocurrencies are in the very beginning of a huge "S' curve (hyperbolic curve) that Wall Street denies ONLY because they were NOT smart enough to see the trend. And, until they can grab...


A couple of days ago,we showed you Token-Pay, and we believed it was a great coin to invest in. Well, Token-Pay is taking on the ICO excitement like that of Electroneum (the greatest ICO to date). Token-Pay 's ICO sale was to run for six(6) weeks, but  NOW (TODAY), they are over HALF way through their available quantity of coins!! Yes, they' re selling out coins MUCH FASTER than planned. That's a b ig signal to pay attention to, and that signal spells m-o-n-e-y !! So, be warned, grab as much Token-Pay and Electroneum as you can! These two coins are your best coin investments for 2018. Electroneum you will have to buy off of an exchange like Cryptopia . But, you can still get Token-Pay from their ICO sales..... but they're going fast, very much like Electronuem's early sell out.

HEADS UP! NEW ICO that's worth a look. ONLY 2 days until it starts!

NEW ICO STARTS in 2 days, BANKCOIN, limited coin supply,check it out: And, we remind you that the TOKEN-PAY ICO is still running, with that 50% referral bonus, but not for long! Don't forget about USI-Tech and building your Bitcoin portfolio.  The market cap for the entire cryptocurrency world just passed over $600 BILLION just a few hours ago. Just last year, it was at $17 BILLION! This explosion in capitalization has never been seen before!  And, this is JUST the beginning!  The time to act is now!  Note: BOTH the Electroneum and Universa ICOs are closed. But, in the near term, it's probably a good idea to grab some of those crytpos as well before their prices explode with the market cap!!

Today's Bitcoin high topped $18,904 ! The opportunity is NOW ! Make it yours!

In this blog, we try to point you to the best cryptocurrency investments so you can ride this wave of prosperity in the greatest transfer of wealth in over 300 years ! This is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY that the majority of people do not recognize because they're believing in nonsense from the old money establishment owned by the global banking cartel. In essence, they can not stop you from freeing yourself from their chains of debt that have enslaved you all your life. But, they CAN convince you that what you are seeing is not real. Everyday, they remind you that bitcoin, in fact all cryptocurrencies, are not real, or a bubble, or a fraud. Meanwhile, they create investment vehicles at NASDAQ, CBOE and CME that the average person can not afford to participate in. IF what the banker-owned news media reported were true, then WHY is Wall Street INVESTING in Bitcoin? Why bother if bitcoin truly is a fraud? PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT WALL STREET DOES AND NOT WHAT THEY SAY! Remember, ac...


The naysayers and doubting Thomases are insisting that Bitcoin is a scam, fad, fraud or whatever! THEY ARE WRONG! PERIOD!  They are in denial and lack situational awareness. Don't buy into their dumb-downed mindset.  More and more businesses around the world are accepting Bitcoin as payment! That's NOT an indicator of a fraud, scam or fad. Several car dealerships in California are accepting Bitcoin for payment. Last week, we found an aircraft manufacturer that now accepts Bitcoin to BUY their airplanes. The company is CubCrafters , so check them out. On their webpage, LOOK under the Price and you will see "Accepting Bitcoin".  As you can see, as more businesses accept Bitcoin, they are creating MORE demand for Bitcoin, and that causes the value of Bitcoin to increase! Now that Wall Street is jumping into Bitcoin, that will further the demand for Bitcoin! It appears John McAfee is right, Bitcoin will likely go to $1,000,000. Now is the time for you to grab as much ...

TOKENPAY is BITCOIN on STEROIDS! A NEW ICO! It's worth checking out!

We have been big fans of Bitcoin, Electroneum, USI-TECH , and Universa. And, we're very happy with them in our portfolio. But, we had to ADD one more coin/token that we felt was exceptional enough to join our fantastic portfolio, and that is TOKENPAY , or T-Pay !   It's just too good to pass up! You MUST read their website and White Paper! What an incredible opportunity!  Why? Well, actually there are MANY reasons that we jumped on TOKENPAY . First and foremost, it has super-secure transactions. Second, and this is a BIGGIE, they are BUYING A BANK! YES! Buying a bank is a huge deal. By owning a bank, they can exchange your cryptocurrency into fiat currency (regular money non-techies use). With that bank, they can also issue a debit card for ease of accessing your crypto assets for real world fiat transactions. Basically, this international bank will be a crypto-bank bridging the gap between the crypto world and fiat world. That's a huge deal that most crypto investors...


We can NOT emphasize enough to READ EVERY POST AND PAGE OF THIS BLOG. YOU NEED TO GET PREPARED QUICKLY. The last 8 posts are critical to your financial future. As we mentioned in previous posts, Wall Street, to include NASDAQ, CME, and CBOE are deploying bitcoin derived investments THIS MONTH (December 2017) . That's placing nearly a $533 TRILLION market demand right at the feet of bitcoin. These facts are NOT an indication of a bubble! These facts are an indication of a MASSIVE DEMAND COMING INTO REALITY. And DEMAND equals PRICE INCREASE. It's a simple concept, supply versus demand! But, this simple concept escapes understanding by "crypto techies". And likewise, a decentralized financial ecosystem escapes understanding by traditional fiat system supporters like banks and governments. Both sides of this equation are in denial of the true merits of the crypto ecosystem, and what it will and can do. Both sides are about to be blind-sided by the coming events. A st...

Right here is where BITCOIN GOES BALLASTIC!!!!

A lot of people completely miss the dynamics of the bitcoin tsunami. This year has seen a remarkable price move of bitcoin, onward and upward with considerable strength, and NO signs of weakness. TODAY is a day that demands that you really pay attention to this situation! TODAY we learned that the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE) will be offering Bitcoin Futures Contracts for their investors. Now, we have NASDAQ , CME and CBOE offering bitcoin investments. To the novice, you must realize that demand brings price increases. These trading platforms are bringing a $533 TRILLION market to BITCOIN!   THIS IS HUGE! Today bitcoin hit $12,810, and soon, you'll look back on this day and WISH you had bought more bitcoin! The march to a $250,000 BITCOIN goes on unabated. But, keep in mind, bitcoin is only ONE cryptocurrency, other cryptos will ride bitcoin's coat tails. As we mentioned in our December 4th, Get the Correct Perspective on Electroneum , even if you can't a...

Get the Correct Perspective on Electroneum!

Over and over again, the so-called gurus and YouTubers keep grossly undervaluing Electroneum!  None of them completely understand or acknowledge the 10 key points we made in our last post  "MOST FORECASTS OF ELECTRONEUM ARE WRONG!!" posted on December 3rd, so review that post.  Now, forget the boneheads that constantly parrot the "Electroneum is a scam" nonsense. Those parrots aren't eating crackers, they're eating crack!   But, consider this. There is over $1.42 TRILLION US dollars in circulation (not total money supply, just currency), and over $1.2 TRILLION Eurodollars in circulation. That's just 2 currencies ! There are a total of 180 currencies in the world.  With the very likely prospect that Electroneum will succeed in creating "mass adoption" globally, 21 billion Electroneum coins is a very modest total . Indeed, the upside for Electroneum in the near future escapes most people's situational awareness and imagination. This...


That's right! Most of the people making predictions about Electroneum's future pricing are way off target! Why?  I'll give TEN (10) reasons. 1. Electroneum has the biggest subscriber base than any previous ICO . That will have a definite demand effect on the initial price moment that will likely bring on a buying frenzy. 2. Mobile applications are running away with the internet. Mobile apps are HUGE business , and a cryptocurrency that has mobile ease-of-use WILL follow suit. 3. Market cap (capitalization) is NOT a limit, it is an indicator of money flow! Crypto market cap is expanding at OVER TEN FOLD year over year. Electroneum is perfectly positioned to ride that wave. 4. Few people ever paid attention to the SPIKE Electroneum had when it was FIRST released (prior to the email hack), which reached $470 !  If it did it once, it CAN do it again. 5. Electroneum market cap has quietly made a huge upturn in the last 24 hours. SOMEONE is getting ready for a big spl...