If you've been waiting to get into bitcoin or cryptocurrency investing,and you're not quite sure if this is the time; Well, IT'S TIME!  This is the moment you need to seize IF you want to ride this incredible wave of opportunity. The longer you wait, the less upside you can enjoy. Starting now greatly places the odds of success in your favor, even IF you're a novice! 

Bitcoin is the lead cryptocurrency in this asset class. Bitcoin will drag a lot of cryptocurrencies with it as it continues higher and higher. But, the mainstream media and the "fundamentalists" on Wall Street keep screaming that Bitcoin (and the other cryptocurrencies) are in a bubble! To be blunt, that's a load cow pies! 
At this moment, it appears we're a LONG way from a bubble! Actually, cryptocurrencies are in the very beginning of a huge "S' curve (hyperbolic curve) that Wall Street denies ONLY because they were NOT smart enough to see the trend. And, until they can grab a big portion of this asset class, they will do everything to convince new investors that ONLY Wall Street can determine if an investment is "real". These are the same guys that imploded the investment world in 2008 and had to be bailed out by the very same people that they're telling to avoid bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. It appears the Wall Street bankers and brokers are relying on the hope that people will forget Wall Street's massive failures! Seriously, do the people really have that short of a memory? 

Here's a current chart of Bitcoin, and we'll use it as an example for all cryptocurrencies>

What this chart shows is the strong price uptrend coupled with a strong demand (volume) uptrend. The is indicative "price support". In that process, the chart also shows several price support levels that proceed the next move up. These levels are sometimes commonly called "consolidation". At this moment, December 20th, we are at the end of a "consolidation". So, the next strong uptrend is coming soon. And THIS is the reason for today's blog post. This is one of the BEST times to buy/invest into the cryptocurrency world. Here, waiting will cost you when the uptrend resumes.

Let this sink in! On June 20, 2017, the total cryptocurrency market capitalization was $70 BILLION with a 24 hour (daily) volume of $3.5 BILLION. Today, December 20, 2017, the total market cap is $615 BILLION with a 24 hour (daily) volume of $57 BILLION!! THAT IS JUST SIX MONTHS!! And that trend is NOT slowing down!! Why on earth would anyone wait to take action? Just in 24 hour volume, money flow has increased 16 TIMES in 6 months!! Where can you get a 16 times return on investment in 6 months? To NOT jump on such an opportunity is crazy stupid! 

Today, you should grab some bitcoin as it WILL continue to go up for the foreseeable future. It's not in a bubble as you can see from the chart. However, knowing that most people can not afford the lofty prices of Bitcoin, for the small investor, leveraging what you have with USI-Tech is a good alternative. Why? Because even with the advantages of USI-Tech, the price of bitcoin will drive up USI-Tech prices as well. So, getting invested in USI-Tech to help you participate in the bitcoin surge should be a top priority!

Secondly, one of the most potentially explosive cyrpto investments out there is Electroneum. At this point, if you had not participated in the ICO, then, you're left with purchasing Electroneum on the open market (exchange). At this moment, only Cryptopia is exchanging Electroneum. Also, unfortunately, as more exchanges start offering Electroneum, the price will move up dramatically. So, it may be a good idea to grab as much Electroneum as you can while the prices are under $0.15, because it will be going much much higher.

Additionally, there is a Russian crypto coming out soon (the ICO is completed), which John McAfee was endorsing, and this is Universa. So, keep an eye out for that crypto when it hits exchanges and get in on it early.  Like Electroneum, Universa has explosive potential as well.

At this moment, there IS a new ICO you CAN participate in right now, and that is BankCoin. There are several reasons we like this one and why we think it has strong upside potential. First and foremost, if you notice on their website, there are seven ways to earn money with this coin, and most are passive! For all of those reasons, this will be a coin that many people will KEEP! And those owners holding it will drive up demand which will effect the price on the upside.

For the small investor, these four investments should be acquired before the New Year!  Why? Because 2018 is going to be a game changer in the crypto-world, banking world, and Wall Street. Now is the time to position yourself for the biggest transference of wealth the world has ever seen. This is not about the "tulip bulb" nonsense the media has fed you. This is about when "fiat currencies" were brought into the mainstream and made the Rothschilds insanely rich! That was over 250 years ago, and those Rothschilds have never admitted to their family secret. They own 85% of the world's central banks, and they own Thomson, Reuters, and the Associated Press. Any wonder that you've never heard this before?  The crytpocurrencies are a direct threat to their secret empire. The big difference between the fiat system and crypto system is that the fiat system has a central control, and the crypto system is FREE of central control and manipulation. In other words, the cryptocurrency world is truly about REAL FREEDOM! And ,this drives the fiat bankers crazy! They will tell the people ANYTHING to save their own corrupt system! THINK for yourself! Why are the bankers WARNING the public about cryptocurrenccies when they HAVE NEVER WARNED the public about ANYTHING before? Remember 2008? They NEVER said a peep about the banking system collapse until it was happening! And then, YOU, the public had to bail them out!! Do you REALLY think they have YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART?!

So, today and through the holidays, get your house in order! Read every post on this blog! EVERYTHING you need is here on this blog site! Sit down for an afternoon and get educated. Heck, we even included a few videos to break up the boredom of reading. 

We'll show you how and where to buy bitcoin, open a wallet, invest, leverage your money, and diversify. AND, keep checking this blog once or twice a week regularly as new opportunities are constantly showing up. Information is ONLY power IF you use it and ACT on it! Nothing happens until YOU make it happen!

2018 is right around the corner! Get ready for the ride of your life! 





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