
Showing posts from April, 2018


Yesterday, we warned that a market collapse could come on Friday (TODAY). Well, indeed, something went seriously wrong on the Toronto Exchange which could have easily spread like cancer throughout the western markets bringing everything down in a panic!  Read this article, NOTICE HOW VAGUE THE PROBLEM IS DESCRIBED, actually NO explanation at all! Now, IF you THINK this was an odd coincidence, you deserve to loose your assets! The warning signs are everywhere. And, the rigging of cryptocurrencies by Wall Street is self-serving to give these corrupt bankers a lifeboat while they let everyone else drown in this disaster! If you're NOT invested in cryptocurrencies, you WILL regret it very soon. The handwriting is clearly on the wall. Now, LOOK at this DJIA chart.... That's NOT a good picture! The US dollar was DOWN today against the Mexican peso, Japanese Yen, British Pound, Chinese Yuan, Canadian Dollar, Korean Won, Indian Rupee, and Eurodollar! PAY ATTENTION!  This co...

TGIF...... well, maybe!

Right here is where fiat monetary weakness raises it ugly. The perfect storm is forming! The true nature of the problems in front of us is getting BIG attention in Canada! Now, the Alarm Bells should be ringing loud and clear! Brace for impact! Economically, we are on the Eve of Destruction! You'll need a lot more than "happy talk" now! The markets are screaming "Big Decline coming", so don't be stupid! Protect yourself! Take a look... BIG BIG DOWN DAYS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER! Brace brace brace.... Friday is ONLY one day! How bad could it be? Well, we shall see in a few hours! You might want to have this ace up your sleeve!!

Just a Quick Heads Up Alert

We found this software package, CryptoSuite, for making insane profits with Cryptocurrencies! The ability to run your own little private "hedge fund" for cryptocurrency buy & sell orders is just awesome! Even the ability to arbitrage trades just like big time hedge funds is like stealing money! But, it's actually legal. As these cryptocurrency markets blow open this year, you really do need this incredible tool! CryproSuite puts 5 and 6 figure monthly incomes well within the average person's range! It's a very impressive tool that you simply have to see to believe! Put this software package/service in your investment arsenal quick. 2018 will be a big year for cryptocurrencies! You really don't want to miss this one!  Click here to learn more!

SURPRISED? Don't be, this ain't rocket science!

Yesterday (yes, take a look at yesterday's post), we told you to expect some pretty big downward moves in the days ahead, like starting TODAY! Well, it's NO surprise that right on schedule the DJIA loses 424 points! But, who's listening? This is a very dangerous time to be invested. Stocks are going down! Bonds are going down. Commodities are going down, albeit temporary safety zones for investors bailing out of stocks and bonds. But, commodities WILL follow! What EVERYONE is missing is this simple fact, this NOT your normal market decline, this is a systemic fiat currency problem, i.e. the fiat system is collapsing. There is NO magic bullet or fairey dust that can stop it. But, nearly everyone remains in denial. AND, they WILL remain that way because the world hasn't seen anything like this for over 120 years, IF they even recognize what the true underlying problem is! The ONLY safe havens are the cryptocurrencies, specifically the ones we have identified on this blog ...

Denial Denial Denial..... It's not a river in Egypt! It's an ugly truth!

Today, the 10 year Treasury bond yields touched 2.99% ~ That could be a good thing if the economy were really robust. But, given the structural weakness, the yield passing 3.00% could be catastrophic. WE ARE CLOSE! There is so much weakness across the board that it's hard to believe this fiat economy is still chugging along. But, check out these charts! Some BIG "down" days are coming in the near future, so get your house in order.  First, our favorite DJIA -  Oops, look familiar? There's the set up! But wait, let's look at the NASDAQ ~ Yep, it's setting up a sell off as well. But, maybe the S&P 500 will break the pattern ~  Rut row, looks alike a couple of big down days are coming! But, maybe the Transportation Index can give us a hint... Geez, today it's showing a "spinning top"! Well, it could go either way IF it were not for the weaker volume!! That's bad. Brace yourself, this week may get real ugly fast. Cryptocurrenci...

The signs are everywhere! Get ready!

Well well well, clearly NOBODY wants to be holding ANY long positions over the weekend! Not stocks! Not commodities! Not bonds! I wonder what's going on? Hmmmm, let me think, could it be the dreaded down turn we've warned about?  Could be, just take a look at these charts.... Rut row, we broke the 50 day average AND 8 day EMA! And look at that volume, a little spike there?  And the NASDAQ? Rut row, kinda looks like the same thing! How about that S&P 500 chart? Same thing there!!  Look out for next week. A big drop is coming soon! Are you ready?? The cryptocurrencies are looking stronger and stronger. Ya better have your house in order! Again, now would be a good time to get your investment arsenal ready for action! Check out CryptoSuite! Tick tock tick tock..... Eli's coming!!

Watch out! We're getting down to it!

Bloomberg is already warning of stock declines. Just looking at the charts, another set of down legs are coming. Things are more vulnerable than anyone wants to admit. There is a dangerous internal weakness that nearly everyone is choosing to ignore. Whistling past the graveyard? Yep, most likely. Take a look at these charts. Look familiar? But, it's not just the Dow Jones, take a look at the S&P... A couple of very big down turns are coming, and soon! Brace yourself for impact. The futures for Friday's markets are not looking too good either. Of course, NOBODY is even hinting at the extreme vulnerability of the bond market. Even Morgan Stanley is warning that this market cycle may be ripe for a big disappointment. Market cycles are a nice way of couching the fact that underlying support levels are gone. In other words, the wordsmithing of this present situation is nothing more than happy talk hiding a devastating imminent market collapse. But, let the talking heads t...

Arbitrage? What's that? Why use it?

Arbitrage is a trading technique that few people have ever heard about. The beauty of this trading transaction is you are buying and selling an asset, but using the price difference between two different exchanges to profit. In another words, one exchange is selling an asset higher than another. With arbitrage, you already know the price difference (which is your profit), so you buy on one exchange and sell on the other. No guesswork or speculation, nearly eliminating all risk!  To understand the power of arbitrage trading, here's a little model or example: Arbitrage . What is it? (noun) the simultaneous buying and selling of securities, currency, or commodities in different markets or in derivative forms in order to take advantage of differing prices for the same asset. In the case of cryptocurrencies and Cyptosuite , it's actually a no-brainer. You can see both the buy and sell prices, and KNOW before you start the transaction exactly what you'll earn. And, be...

After Next Week.... LOOK OUT!

There is a lot of pressure building behind a near future cryptocurrency price explosion. We have been warning about this for weeks. The weakness in the stock markets, bond markets, and US dollar have set up the perfect storm. Take a look at the DJIA chart for Friday, April 13th. Not surprising it's down again. Even the average commentator on CNBC and Bloomberg have noted the weak volume with the price upswings while volume ticks up on lower prices. Sadly, the bond markets are in worse shape and are far more dangerous! Another nuance to this situation is the DOWN GRADE of DeutscheBank to A-, just a hair above junk, and that's being generous. When this system breaks, things will happen fast. You had better be ready. There are no "do-overs."  The global financial world does NOT grade on a curve.  DeutscheBank has been giving off warning signals and hints for months! Take a look at that "almighty" US dollar. This has weakness written all over it! If U...

Look around, maintain situational awareness. We're inching closer to the END.

At this moment in time, let's take stock, or review, the present situation, or as some people like to say "maintain situational awareness". Or more folksy and to the point, "pay attention blockhead, the shit is about to hit the fan".  2018 is the year the great collapse will happen, it's only a matter of which day, but never a matter of "if". There are a myriad of problems that can individually catapult the world into a financial disaster. So, here are the most dangerous. The United States government can not control its spending, debt, or deficit. If China starts unloading US Treasuries, this could set up a treasuries  and bond market collapse. Oh, and by the way, we're not trying to scare you, but it's time to dump bonds! Like NOW! The American economy is unwinding but American news will NOT report it. However, the same thing is happening in Canada, and they ARE reporting it! Danger, Will Robinson, we're skating on very thin ...

The games people play....

We've seen this before.... The market riggers think they're being clever. They drove the market UP to close just above the 8 Day EMA Trend line. Silly idiots, LOOK AT THE VOLUME! There is NO price support. Oh well, let them play their games, it's almost over. The chart above is the PAST. This is the future..... Check out this video!

And the hits just keep on coming....

What a surprise..... NOT! The Plunge Protection Team (PPT) tried to prime the pump at the open, spiking the markets with worthless cash hoping to trigger a rally. But, AGAIN, these markets sold off into the close. The mark of weakness. And this will continue to happen because there is NO underlying support. Volumes seem always weaker on "up" days. But, the public keeps eating up this nonsense. Like sheep to a slaughter, most folks are clueless of the upcoming consequences of this charade and its juvenile rigging.  Take a look.... the DJIA, the easiest index to rig, STILL closed BELOW the 8 day trend line and the 50 day moving average.  The DOWN trend continues unabated. Sadly, this is only the tip of the iceberg. The really sad part to this entire charade, either US intelligence (aka CIA rogue elements) or the Israeli Mossad are desperately attempting to start a war in the middle-east. Doesn't ANYBODY think it's odd that when the US says they are pulling US troop...

Electroneum update: HUGE BREAKING NEWS

Electroneum has a patent pending for a break-through application for ALL cryptocurrencies. This will likely push Electroneum to the TOP of the Cryptocurrency pile over the coming months. Here is Richard Ells' announcement: Electroneum - Tech Update, Instant Payment Patent & More Hi Everyone, I’m currently whizzing around Asia and the Middle East to meet with some important contacts that were made at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. This is going to be quite a long update (I’ve just read through it as I make this comment – and it’s a monster! I knew I should have written a novel) Here’s a synopsis (not in any order) for a fast update – then read the detail below, if you want to know more… Patent Pending Secured! We’ve worked on this since last year, it protects our cryptocurrency hybrid system that will allow us to provide INSTANT cryptocurrency payments as well as cryptocurrency subscription payments! It is a game changer for the entire cryptocurrency indu...

What did you expect? A rally? Brace yourself, it's about to get real!

The fact that the banks are rigging the stock markets is not surprising. Without the Bank of Japan owning 77% of Japanese stocks, the Japanese stock market would have collapsed weeks ago. Over in Europe, with the European Central Bank (ECB) buying up the bonds, you would have seen a bond market collapse in Europe weeks ago. And of course, without the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) of the New York Fed, throwing cash into the weak US stock markets, you would have seen to US stock market crash as well. And, we haven't touched on the toxic derivatives exposure. But, have no fear, you WILL see a crash soon. Happy talk can only stretch so far. And throwing worthless cash at these markets only undermines the value of the respective currencies, hence, the global weakness in the US dollar. (This is the key reason millions of investors will flock to cryptocurrencies almost overnight.) Make no mistake, a crash is coming, and it's looking like sooner rather than later.  An interesting poin...


If there are some of you that want to believe the bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are just a fad, think again. Like the printing press gave us paper currencies, now, the internet has ushered in the digital or crypto currencies. More and more governments are officially moving into the cryptocurrency evolution. This is a REAL trend and not some fluke or fad. But, you still don't believe it?  Well, check out this video about the United Nations' plan for the NEXT TWO YEARS! Remember, EARLY adopters always make the most profit! REMEMBER THIS?  Two years isn't really a long time with such a massive undertaking. If you haven't already started preparing for the BIG CHANGE, it's time to get started.


The banks have been on a buying spree to avoid a complete stock market collapse!!. Like before, The Bank of Japan is back at it. Here's the terrifying part, they can't keep doing this THIS TIME. Otherwise, their currencies will collapse almost immediately. Of course, that's assuming the collapse of the derivatives doesn't beat them to it! RED ALERT.... a BIG CRASH IS COMING SOON! Read this article a couple times to make sure it sinks in!

Let's get a few things straight!

The total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies TODAY is down to $256 BILLION, down $5 BILLION from two days ago. Meanwhile, Wall Street bankers like JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs are BUYING cryptocurrency exchanges (Poloniex and Coinbase). If you can't figure out what is going on by now, well, you're a hopeless case. Ron White's quote fits here, "Ya can't fix stupid."   This market manipulation is indeed brutal and criminal. But, this is gut-check time because we are not going to get any help from the regulators like the SEC because they're owned by the bankers. Huge profits will rain down on the tenacious cryptocurrency investors because when those derivatives break, cryptocurrencies will be the ONLY thing that can store value. Yes, it may not look like that at this moment, but the panic that is about to drown the markets will see self-preservation rule and the cryptocurrencies will explode in value. Just do the math. If today's market cap ...

A lot of Happy Talk, but still no cigar

So, the talking heads were happy for today's rally! Such nonsense. This is NOT a rally! Take a closer look at this chart. The day opened near the bottom of the previous day's trading. Through the rest of the day. somebody started throwing money into the market. WHO would do that?? Think. Who are the likely suspects? Of course it's the PPT and the Wall Street bankers. And now, WHERE IS THE SEC in all this? Why are they NOT arresting these guys for rigging these markets? The SEC is NOT going to arrest anybody because the SEC is in on it! They are helping to prop up this bogus market. In fact, TODAY the SEC indicted the two principals and founders of Centra Tech, a cryptocurrency company. It is amazing the SEC can nail these two guys but can't find the enormous fraud going on daily on Wall Street! But, I digress. Let's take note of today's chart.  The DJIA opened low and climbed, magically. It's still BELOW the 50 day average and hugging just below the 8 E...

Did April Fool's Day come a day late?? Put another way, BRACE YOURSELF!

By now, it should NOT surprise you that these stock markets WILL continue DOWN unabated. As we have explained, there is a REASON they can NOT establish a bottom... it's all about valuation, and the lack thereof. Across the board, the sell off of stocks outpaced purchases NINE to ONE! Yes, Nine times more investors are bailing out than acquiring stocks. That's not only a bad trend, but it's a STRONG trend. Let's once again look at these charts and the true weakness that will not stop. But before we do, let's talk about cryptocurrencies. Those criminal banksters continue to play their game of lowering the cryptocurrency values by their clever market rigging. They KNOW how to instill fear into the average person. Today, the total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies is now DOWN to $261 BILLION. But, the fearful are foolishly SELLING their cryptocurrecnies. However, as fools they NEVER once wonder about WHO IS BUYING their cryptocurrencie!! You see, in the cryp...