
Showing posts from March, 2018


THIS YEAR, MY EASTER BUNNY BROUGHT MORE THAN I COULD EVER HOPE FOR!           I am ever so grateful. By the way Santa, you need to step up your game!  Life is good! HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY!  HAVE A GREAT DAY WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS.

Thank God it's Good Friday.... markets are closed, and that's a good thing.

This past short week of trading demonstrated incredible weakness while also exposing the Wall Street rigging and manipulation of the markets and the cryptocurrencies. It also clearly demonstrated how truly worthless the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) is in protecting investors and regulating the markets.  But, the media and the government keep singing the song how great things are. Bullshit! The average worker can NOT afford to own his/her own home. Check this out. The Happy Talk will only end when the people finally feel enough pain to cry foul. Right now, the false narrative of the divisions between conservative and liberal is a convenient distraction. This distraction is very effective is keeping the public's attention focused away from the true dangers ahead.  Surprisingly, some banks, like Saxo Bank, are beginning to speak out, attempting to position themselves in the public view on the right side of this scenario. When the villagers storm the castle with pitc...

It's NOT a matter of IF, it's just a matter of WHEN.

Doesn't ANYBODY PAY ATTENTION? Bond yields ARE CRASHING!  And that robust economy that the financial talking heads have been bragging about may not actually exist! Of course, we've been telling you over and over that the weakness in these markets will take an ugly turn soon, and here's why! The stock markets have serious weakness that places your financial future in jeopardy.  If you remember in our last few posts, we were explaining how the "smart money" and "insiders" were getting out of these markets. We weren't the only ones to notice this. Now, if that's not enough. Here is some very sobering facts about inverted yield curves (which is where we are right now).  So, let's look at today's DJIA chart. Slightly weaker volume than the last three days, and it STILL closed BELOW the 8 EMA Trend line (blue line) and the 50 SMA (red line). But, the talking heads are so happy for this "rally". Idiots! They are like the P...

Not to belabor the point, but PAY ATTENTION!

Throughout this blog, we have pointed out the systemic problems with the present fiat currency system. One of the single biggest dangers is the massive derivative over-hang. This is a fiat currency, debt, and bank killer. Well, guess what? Another big flaw in the price rigging scheme is bringing the derivative exposure back to center stage!  Check out this article. Also, it should come as no surprise, that this weakness is bleeding over into the Treasury auctions. Check this out. It should come as no surprise, once again, the markets sold off into end of session weakness. And here's today's DJIA chart. Again, LOOK at the volume. The moderate volume is signaling insiders are getting out. BUT, take another look at that 50 day moving average (red line). It has clearly turned downward heading for a "death cross" with the 100 day moving average AND 200 day moving average. When it does, that's when the downhill moves accelerate.  Honestly, IF you think the Toot...

Wake up! We've gone from rumor to FACT!

Today, US markets sold off into the close. Not surprising, the weakness is showing. Underneath this market activity is the true US dollar killer, gold-backed currency! It's the beginning of THE END, and there is no denying it. This article sums it up! The clock is ticking, and there's really NOT much time left. We are closing in on a 300 year cycle, but few people actually investigate historical forensic accounting. A MAJOR transfer of wealth is underway. It has begun, and it will arrive at your doorstep at any moment. By the way, another US dollar killer is coming online, and yes, there will be more! Let's don't forget about all of the countries expelling Russian diplomats. It's not a stretch of the imagination for Putin to respond by announcing that Russia would no longer use the US dollar for oil trades. Expelling diplomats is not a big deal, but dumping the US dollar is!  But, IF you still doubt this trend, let's look at the US Dollar Index. NOW LO...

Have they fooled you yet? The other shoe WILL drop at any moment.

OH WOW! Everybody's HAPPY. The Dow Jones, NASDAQ and S&P500 are ALL UP DRAMATICALLY. So, you're really ready to hang your hat on this manipulated HIGH because it feels good? Even before the markets closed, the talking heads were suggesting this could be a good time to "BUY THE DIP".  Folks, get real!  We live in a world of cause and effect. So, the KEY question is WHY did this sudden and dramatic market reversal happen? That's an important question to answer! When the experts were asked about WHY today's up tick, they responded "don't know" or "could be short covering" or "could be stock repurchase" or "could be a fundamental rebound". Then, when they were asked where is this money inflow was coming from, NOT ONE OF THEM COULD ANSWER THAT QUESTION! Who's buying? Clearly, nobody knows. And THAT is an important point to note! Very important! Let's look at the S&P 500. Look closely at the ABOVE S...

It's SHOW TIME .. March 26th changes EVERYTHING

After last weeks charts showing over all market weakness, here's the final nail in the coffin. On March 26, 2018, the Chinese will commence trading oil with their oil/gold/yuan futures contracts. These contracts completely circumvent the US dollar. Bottom line, the US petro-dollar is dead! This will start a massive naked shorting of the US dollar around the world. This will lead to a dollar collapse and its related markets. US bond markets and US Treasuries will get hammered, i.e. dumped. This March 26th event will bring the fiat system to its knees. And, this will cause the derivatives to implode, wiping out Deutsche Bank in the center of the storm, along with the banks linked to Deutsche Bank. As we have stated over and over, most analysts are missing the BIG point, we are seeing the systemic collapse of the fiat currency system. This "de-dollarization" will cause huge flows of money into anything NOT related to US dollars, most of those moves will be running into crypt...

DENIAL is NOT an option. The collapse has started.

The reason we focus on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) charts is simply because the DJIA is composed of only 30 stocks. It is the easiest index to rig and manipulate. Therefore, if this index collapses, all of the other indexes will follow. AND, this index's weakness is a good indicator of when the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) runs out of money. Based on the recent market/index weakness, it appears the PPT is out of bullets. In other words, brace yourself for a very ugly ride down hill.  I have had numerous "professional fund managers" contact me recently, wishing to argue their case of why I am wrong. Every single one of them base their arguments of "fundamentals". And folks, that's PRECISELY the problem. We are in a valuation crisis. The fundamentals are corrupted by dollar weakness and leverage. But, NOBODY wants to examine this key root of the problem before us! Again, I remind you, this is NOT a correction, THIS IS A SYSTEMIC FAILURE or SYSTEM...

GET READY! The Perfect Storm is building quickly.

The financial collapse is imminent! GET READY! Deutsche Bank is coming apart, stock price collapse! Deutsche Bank is the KEY to this problem. All the major global banks are joined at the hip with DB!  The Perfect Storm is building..... minute by minute! Bix Weir has a great video out today! Check it out!  Deutsche Bank Plunges! And another threat... soaring LIBOR rates! Central banks are collapsing!  Take a look at this Deutsche Bank chart..... BIG SELL OFF!  OVER 3 times the previous day's volume!  Knowledgeable investors are running for the hills! But wait, there's more.... Dow Jones Index is struggling as well... DJIA STILL BELOW THE 50 day moving average AND 8 EMA Trend line!  Today, the DJIA rapidly sold off into the close. That's weakness! But, take another look at the Dow Jones (DJIA) below. Look carefully, and see that today the DJIA closed very slightly BELOW the 100 day moving average. But wait, look again at that 50 day moving ...

Take a closer look at TODAY's chart

Today, ALL STOCK MARKETS WERE DOWN! Bonds were down,and treasuries were down. Even the Commodities indexes were down! Liquidity issues are about collapse upon the entire investment world. LOOK at today's chart. We left out the Bollinger Bands to show that today's close was BELOW the 8 day EMA (blue line, aka Trend line), below the 50 day SMA (red line) and the 100 day SMA (green line). Breaking these indicators and the contraction of price action is leading the way to a MAJOR DOWN TURN which you could call a collapse. This chart clearly shows that event coming within the next 10 business days, or sooner. By comparison, most cryptocurrencies were up today, and most were double digit increases. It's clear where the money is running to, and why Wall Street was so devious in their price manipulation of the crypto prices. They were trying to get into cryptos cheap. Cryptocurrencies are the only safe haven.  Check this out. If you look closely, you will notice the tighteni...

Brace yourself for the END OF THE QUARTER

At the close of this Friday's trading on March 23rd, a lot of cash liquidity issues may start a down turn like we have never seen before. In fact, in order to book a positive first quarter, this last week of March may show the most extraordinary market rigging ever seen! Beware, the hammer is about to drop! In that scenario, the first week in April will show huge reversals setting stocks and bonds in direct opposition to cryptocurrencies. This is where fortunes will be lost and fortunes will be earned. Take a look at these charts. You can clearly see strengths and weakness in the broad view of the economy set against the safe haven of the cryptocurrency. It is important to understand that ANY asset class associated with debt will be extremely vulnerable to price weakness or collapse.  Here, the DJIA is hugging the Trend line BUT remains BELOW the 50 day moving average! That's weakness, and the black box trading will kick in at any moment, driving the markets dramatically LOW...

Heads up

At this moment, it appears the cryptocurrency doldrums have turned a corner. Over the next two to four months, these assets will rapidly gain value. We have suggested owning bitcoin, litecoin, electroneum, Neo, bitcoin cash, and Theta. So, if you haven't already opened a cryptocurrency trading account, we suggest getting one with HitBTC .  In the next few days, HitBTC will be announcing Electroneum on their exchange. It's free to setup the account, then you'll be ready to move funds or cryptocurrencies when the time comes. So, Get ready! The party is about to start!

YES, the banksters have coordinated a cryptocurrency sell off

DO NOT SELL your bitcoin or cryptocurrencies! If the banksters didn't think cryptocurrencies would be worth anything, they would NOT go to these extremes attempting to rig the markets! NOW is the time to buy more of whatever you can afford. Again, the banksters would not resort to this kind of underhanded activity if they had confidence in THEIR fiat system. They KNOW they are about to collapse, and they want what you have!! They are desperate. They are trying to convince you that their problem is your problem! THINK THINK THINK!  Watch this Bix Weir video of HOW they have done this and who was involved. There's NO speculation here, just plain to see facts! Bix Weir Video

Close..... but no cigar!

The market weakness is strong, no matter how much the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) tries to convince you otherwise. Today's chart shows that in spite of their efforts, this market closed BELOW the Trend line and 50 day moving average AGAIN! If you are still in this market at this moment, in the near future you'll have no one to blame for your financial failure but yourself. The down trend is obvious, but the systemic collapse is not. That's the part of this equation that has the bankers scrambling to get into cryptocurrencies. They do know what time it is! The bankers are terrified. Their business model is quickly becoming obsolete. Like it or not, cryptocurrencies are here to stay, and the early adopters will benefit magnificently. Here's today's chart. Not only did the market close BELOW the technicals, but the weaker volume is exposing more weakness. 330 point UP days would be great IF they were NOT preceded by 800 and 1000 point DOWN days. They are losing grou...


The problems we are  facing really aren't hard to understand. The confusion rests in the concept of misrepresentation, i.e THEY ARE LYING TO YOU! First, the issue of the U.S. Dollar. The dollar is growing weaker day by day. The "experts" want you believe the nonsense that a weaker dollar is good for the economy. NO, IT'S NOT! A weaker dollar means YOU HAVE EARN MORE OF THEM to buy what you want or need. That's called inflation, and it puts a huge stress on wage earners, and wages notoriously NEVER keep up! YOU are part of this economy, so NO, a weaker dollar is NOT good for an economy! Such silliness is given an air of authority, but it remains silly. Second, the issue of cryptocurrencies. The bankers in less than three months, namely that scoundrel Jamie Dimon, have moved from bitcoin is a "fraud" to "cryptocurrencies are a disruptive technology that threatens our business". Well, Jamie, IF cryptocurrencies are a fraud, then HOW can they t...

It's official - THE BANKS ARE SCARED !

We have warned you many times that the news media stories about the risks of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies were actually fraudulent, over blown, and fake to scare YOU from investing in those assets. Even the price manipulation the bankers instigated was designed to scare you away from crypto assets. Now, the truth is coming out. Just yesterday, both JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America said in their annual reports that cryptocurrencies were a direct threat to their business and placed their business model at risk! Surprised? Now do you see why they want you to stay with them. They don't care about you, it's all about them. Their false warnings about cryptocurrencies were not public service announcements, they were fear mongering. Period. Yes, the bankers are sneaky bastards! Recently, Goldman Sachs, via their subsidiary Circle, is buying Poloniex which is a cryptocurrency exchange. And good old Jamie Dimon's company, JP Morgan Chase is in the process of buying Coinbase, ano...