The problems we are facing really aren't hard to understand. The confusion rests in the concept of misrepresentation, i.e THEY ARE LYING TO YOU! First, the issue of the U.S. Dollar. The dollar is growing weaker day by day. The "experts" want you believe the nonsense that a weaker dollar is good for the economy. NO, IT'S NOT! A weaker dollar means YOU HAVE EARN MORE OF THEM to buy what you want or need. That's called inflation, and it puts a huge stress on wage earners, and wages notoriously NEVER keep up! YOU are part of this economy, so NO, a weaker dollar is NOT good for an economy! Such silliness is given an air of authority, but it remains silly. Second, the issue of cryptocurrencies. The bankers in less than three months, namely that scoundrel Jamie Dimon, have moved from bitcoin is a "fraud" to "cryptocurrencies are a disruptive technology that threatens our business". Well, Jamie, IF cryptocurrencies are a fraud, then HOW can they t...