
Showing posts from February, 2018

Things are really rickety at the moment.

We have been warning and warning about the dangerous levels in the stock and bond markets, hoping that most of you would take safe haven in cryptocurrencies. Alas, many of you may find these warnings annoying or even entertaining because your confidence is secured in your favorite fund manager's views or opinions of the current market. We have only a little over 45 years experiences in this subject, so when we found this statement on ZeroHedge today, we were quite surprised. ZeroHedge stated "  over 60% of fund management professionals have less than 8 years market experience ." Here's their article. Again, we reviewed ZeroHedge's article about the markets' technical fundamentals , and surprise! They agreed with us. Things are shaky! Not to be redundant, but ZeroHedge hit the nail on the head AGAIN on the underlying weakness that WILL rear its ugly head soon. The GDP forecast does NOT support this present day market exuberance! Yet again, ZeroHedge poi...

Watch out! (SEE ADDENDUM)

Today's markets show the rigging is unrelenting. But, look closely at today's chart. Those "gap up" candlesticks are not exactly good signals. Indeed, they present a 78% chance of a major sell off within the next 2 trading days. And, this next sell off could be contagious.  From the looks of it, the insiders once again used the "up tick" to bail out of these lofty and insanely high markets. This is a game of musical chairs, and when the music stops a lot of people will not be able to find a chair anywhere! BY THE WAY, we told you what those sneaky bastards on Wall Street were doing; putting out bogus stories to scare people out of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies while they secretly tried to buy up control of those cryptocurrency assets!  Well now, here's the proof! IF these bankers will go to these lengths to LIE TO YOU and secretly buy up bitcoin, then WHY are you NOT taking the hint and investing for yourself??  READ THIS ARTICLE IF YOU WANT TO OPE...

HERE IT COMES - That collapse we have warned about is knocking on the door!

This past week, we have focused on the technicals that demonstrate the trend reversal (down turn) of both the stock and bond markets. Those are clear warnings that should not be ignored. But, behind these charts hides the REAL problem, the fiat currency and banking system is collapsing. Valuations of assets can not be maintained, i.e. price discovery is a myth because the central bankers have printed currencies to the point of worthlessness.  What you are seeing is NOT a market correction or pullback, this is a systemic failure, a system collapse! Everything based in debt; from currencies to stocks to bonds to commodities whose values are inflated by debt or leverage are subject to a catastrophic collapse in value. This is WHY cryptocurrencies and bitcoin are so unique from this problem, they are NOT based on debt or leverage! Insane debt has destroyed the fiat currency banking system. A systemic collapse is imminent, or at least the start of the collapse is certain for 2018. Thi...

Kevin Hassett, White House Economic Adviser (aka CHEERLEADER)

Mr. Hassett gave a news conference at the White House today. Was any real information conveyed? NO! Yes, he had a lot of happy talk but no substance. Things must be getting scary in the White House to start the parade of sycophants this early.  Asked about the dollar, Mr. Hassett made meaningless double-talk generalizations, and then as if to be definitive, deferred a substantive answer to Secretary Mnuchin who was no where to be found. Asked about the stock market volatility, again, Mr. Hassett fumbled around with more nonsensical generalizations, then quipped that recent stock market machinations are normal! WHAT? Thousand point drops are normal!?  Since when? The Great Depression?  Asked about inflation. well.... Mr. Hassett was just ridiculous, BUT, the onslaught of the coming wave of inflation is normal, and by his account it's a product of a booming economy. REALLY? But, my personal favorite, Mr. Hassett stumbled around the true benefits of Trump's recent ta...

Take cover! This is not a drill. Take cover now while you still can.

The US markets are so manipulated that real market action appears mundane. The propaganda machine, or mind control, or whatever, has created a mindset of apathy or disbelief. So, let's pay attention to reality. Most of you are not technical traders or experienced traders of any success. So, it may be hard to understand Japanese candlestick charts and what their formations indicate. Regardless of your experience level, just understand that recent charts have indicated a STRONG trend reversal. In this case, the trend reversal would be DOWN. An important nuance to this trend is volume. Volume is very important to discern if there is momentum behind a trend. In other words, if more trades are occurring when stocks are moving down, then the momentum says the market is moving down. So, the candlestick formations AND the volume are both strongly showing big down momentum now and it's building. In spite of those warning signs, most people appear to be complacent about this present ...

The Party's over !

We have entered into the most dangerous period in modern history. Those of you that had participated in our finance conference calls over the past two years know we have warned you of this moment and what to do to protect yourself.  We warned that this moment was never in doubt of happening, we just couldn't accurately predict the exact moment. Now, enough data has come out  to determine that we are in the final weeks which will escalate into the collapse we warned about. Our friend, The Wonder Down Under, Liam Reardon, has produced a very timely video you should immediately watch. Indeed, it would be prudent for you to subscribe to his channel.  Here's today's chart. See anything familiar? That's right, the down trend continues. This week there is a $250 billion bond auction scheduled, and again, we are predicting a dismal outcome. That  event will cause greater deterioration of the stock and bond markets later in the week. Remember where this is going, valuation...

Watch out. They are about to set the hook and real in the fish !

Here we are staring down the biggest "bull trap" in history! So, what exactly is a "bull trap"? It's a "head fake" to entice investors (mainly retail investors and inexperienced fund managers) into BUYING stocks that are about to collapse. Before we go on, let's take a good hard look at today's chart.  Notice that the market closed just ABOVE  the 50 day moving average AND the blue 8 day exponential moving average (trend line). That would be great IF it was "supported" by volume. And here's the nuance of this chart. NOTICE that when the market is going DOWN, the volume is HIGH; and when the market is going UP, the volume is LOW. Indeed, from the looks of it, it appears that pesky little Plunge Protection Team (PPT), run out of the New York Reserve Bank is once again rigging the markets. But, that proves nothing you say? Take a closer look, for the last 3 "down" days, it has taken 5 "up" days to recover the...




Yippee, the financial news media is all excited today! The DOW is up over 400 points, best two day gains since June... blah, blah, blah. All of this hype is designed and scripted to do one thing, distract your attention from the obvious! The obvious remains unchanged, we are witnessing a systemic collapse. While everyone is focused on this imaginary "rally", the US dollar continues to weaken (earlier today, even against the Mexican peso), bonds continue their sell off, and also stocks! But, the proof is in the charts. Let's look again! If you notice, the DJIA HAS STILL NOT MOVED ABOVE THE 8 DAY TREND LINE or the 50 day moving average! The DOWN TREND CONTINUES UNABATED . Again, IF you pay attention, the VOLUME is MUCH HIGHER on the DOWNSIDE OF THE PEAK than on the upside of the peak!  Least you forget, Wall Street is desperate. They are convincing anyone that will listen that this is a rally and time to get back in the market.Don't you believe it, the fundame...

It's time to get serious about cryptocurrencies and your future!

We know a lot of people have been riding the fence about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Indeed, in spite of our repeated warnings about this systemic collapse regarding stocks and bonds, many of you remain in complete denial of what is unfolding before your eyes. When we mentioned that this event has been a 300 years epic occurrence, many of you have no idea what we are talking about. About 300 years ago, the means of exchange, money, profoundly changed. Until then, barter and gold/silver were primarily used. Because of the cumbersome nature of gold and barter, paper script was adopted. The Europeans (mainly the Rothshild family) discovered the Chinese had been using paper script for benefit of their tax collectors to travel the countryside collecting taxes. Script was much easier to carry than actual gold. When news of this concept reached the Rothschilds, they embraced the concept with enthusiasm . They mastered the concept of printing "money" while adding a little sweeten...

The little sleeper cryptocurrency coin we forgot about.

Some time ago, we bought Pandacoin (PND), maybe we mentioned it once before. But, in all the hub-bub about the fiat markets collapsing and bankers' rigging schemes, we focused mainly on Bitcoin and Electroneum as solid long term investments. So, while there's a little break in the action, now might be a good time to consider this little sleeper that no one is talking about. Why do we like Pandacoin (PND)? Because we like the goal of mass adoption like Electroneum is doing, and that goal got out attention. We found some information on BitScreener about Pandacoin (PND) that surprised us, and maybe it will also surprise you. You see, the founder and principal behind PandaCoin is the same gentleman behind Dogecoin(DOGE).  Here's the BitScreener Link for Pandacoin(PND). Here's the Pandacoin(PND) website. Here's Pandacoin's 2018 road map! Pay attention to their material where they mention "mass adoption". Granted, Pandacoin may not become as big as...

This was the week that was. Question? What happened?

This past week was quite interesting. Why? Because the weakness in these markets is obvious and simple to understand. However, if you're in denial, then nothing said here will make sense to you. Just for clarity, we have stated many times, this is not a correction, it is a systemic collapse. And, these markets will continue to decline until valuations can be stabilized. The huge systemic problem is that excess leverage has distorted values to the point of insanity. This week, there were massive sell-offs in BOTH the bond markets and stock markets. Worse yet, this is a global condition. Also, the two bond auctions that occurred were dismal, i.e. no buyers. That is a display of lack of confidence, and coming from institutional investors spells big trouble. Then ,add in the global weakness in the US dollar, and the perfect storm is building. Take a look at the chart below. In spite of a 330 point run up in the last hour of trade today (which was probably the work of the Plunge Pro...

The NEW normal - it's UGLY

We told you to get out of stocks and bonds. Why? Because what is happening has NOT been seen in over 300 years!  This is not your typical pullback, short covering, or correction! This IS a systemic collapse, and the collapse will continue until valuations are stabilized. And where is that? Our estimate is somewhere around a DJIA of 5,500 to 7,000! Yes, that's our analysis, 5,500 to 7,000.  So, why does value have to be stabilized? Because far too much leverage has been used in the bond and stock markets, coupled with insane derivatives using debt as a foundation for valuations. In other words, values are unrealistic, and have been for quite some time. In essence, debt has poisoned values. Any investment attached or derived from debt is vulnerable to collapse. This is a huge problem because that is the fundamental problem with US dollar weakness. The US dollar is WHOLLY based and derived from debt. But, of course, the double talk about the "strong dollar policy" is pure ...

UPDATE from Electroneum CEO: Richard Ells

THIS IS why we own Electroneum, and why it will make a lot of people very rich! Read Richard Ells' update below. THIS cryptocurrency will make history, and blow all of the other cryptocurrencies away! We would consider Electroneum a "MUST HAVE" in your cryptocurrency portfolio.  Electroneum Update Hi everyone! I sent this email update out yesterday, but Mailchimp had changed something since the last use and we only got around 40k of opened emails, instead of over 500k, so I am resending today. My apologies if you've had this already... The rest of this email is from yesterday's update... WOW! I'm sorry I've not had time to compose an email update until now, we have been CRAZY busy, and I'm pleased to say that everything is going extremely well. Lets review some of the awesome stuff that has happened over the last few weeks in case you've missed any of it (take a look at our revamped website at  for more...

US Government admits cryptocurrencies ARE THE FUTURE !

The US government admits the news media has overblown the cryptocurrencies and bitcoin retracements, and dismisses the media claims that this asset class is unsafe or unstable. This admission is a massive game changer! You absolutely MUST SEE THIS VIDEO!  WOW!

It's not gonna happen? NO, it's HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!

So many people are in denial, and the bankers are the worst. The downturn, the systemic collapse, is NOT a future event or expectation. PAY ATTENTION because the systemic collapse HAS ALREADY STARTED! If you don't own cryptocurrencies, you're time is up. If your IRA or 401K is still in stocks and/or bonds, you are about to take a staggering loss!  That's NOT an opinion, that's what the charts say. Let's take a look at the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). If you're investing in stocks (which at the moment would be an idiotic thing to do), this IS not the indicator you would want to use because it compromises ONLY 30 stocks. With only 30 stocks, it is the easiest index for the Wall Street bankers' to manipulate or rig. So, the point is IF they can't keep THIS index in the positive side of the market, then they've lost control. The other indexes will fall more easily because they are more subject to the market influences. The DJIA is not, it is ea...

IMPORTANT NEWS FLASH! US government embraces cryptocurrencies!

With all the stock market and bond market turmoil, still some people are concerned about the viability of cryptocurrencies as a storehouse of wealth. But, it would be a VERY big deal if the United States Federal Government were supporting the evolution of cryptocurrencies!  Well, here it is TODAY!!! And Bix Weir is reporting it. The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) are embracing cryptocurrencies! This is a HUGE NEWS. What a collateral endorsement!! Here is Bix Weir's video! Watch it now. Pay attention IRA and 401K account owners, just like the 2008 banking crisis, it was the IRA and 401K investors that took the biggest hits and this is why we keep trying to protect these investors with knowledge and alternatives. It's going to happen again, it is happening now, but hopefully IRA/401K investors will take action THIS time and protect themselves before they are wiped out. You can create a different outcome! Get started protec...

We HIT the ICEBERG! ABANDON SHIP! Man the lifeboats!

Today, February 5th, 2018, you saw your FIRST thousand point drop in the DJIA, is was actually down 1175 points. Get used to it because you are about the see a lot more days like today! The trend has changed. We told you that last Thursday when the trend technicals moved negative. For that reason, we are emphatically warning you - YOU ARE OUT OF TIME! You need to take REAL ACTION NOW in order to avoid being wiped out! We can NOT state it anymore plainly.  Since December 2nd, the bankers had planned to manipulate the cryptocurrencies prices to scare people from investing in them. They KNOW how to manipulate people through fear. They are experts, and they've been doing this for decades. Sadly, MOST people are reacting to the fear, they are like deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck! Frozen in place, and about to get ran over! In the bankers' process of forcing prices down by withdrawing capital, they have set up the perfect BUYING opportunity for you. NOW is the ...